



El BCE impone una comparecencia de Draghi a puerta cerrada y sin micrófonos

Coscubiela y Garzón ya han anunciado que retransmirán el acto a través de las redes sociales

Agencias Madrid 29 ENE 2013 - 17:45 CET

The ECB Draghi imposes an appearance behind closed doors and without microphones

Garzón Coscubiela and have already announced that the act retransmirán through social networks

Agencies Madrid 29 ENE 2013 - 17:45 CET

The president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Italian Mario Draghi, will appear in the House of Representatives on 12 February but will be in a 90 minute session in camera before members of various committees and in which no records stenographers or interventions will be recorded. Parliamentary sources have explained that this format has been imposed by the ECB following the model used when Draghi appeared in the German Bundestag in November 2012.
Specifically, Mario Draghi will first address to the deputies and subsequently spokespersons from each group will present their proposals for about six minutes-only intervene by both a representative of the Joint Group.
Nevertheless, deputies Alberto Garzón Plural Left (IU) and Joan Coscubiela (ICV) have already anticipated that disseminated through social network appearance. This was announced on Tuesday the two deputies in their accounts, which have also denounced the lack of transparency surrounding the intervention of Draghi.
The Italian closed the meeting with a final thought on which you can answer the questions to make you spokesmen, who Posada has "suggested" that are not in their criticism ensañen not convert the encounter into a political squabble like a representative government, pinpointed parliamentary sources.
The session will start at 14.00 and will last for an hour and a half with idea that Draghi and parliamentary spokespersons to split the time in half. The meeting, to be held at the request of the Socialists, will be chaired by the president of Congress, Jesus Posada, who later appear at a press conference for about half an hour along Draghi.
Groups must decide which deputies, along with his spokesman, attend the hearing, among which are part of the commissions of Economy, Finance, Budget, Employment and European Union.
The Italian banker and repeated his intervention scheme for more than two hours before a performance of parliamentarians from different parties Germans, among whom were responsible for the budget committees, Finance and Europe. In that case, we chose an informal format having no legal place Draghi intervention to the Plenary or before a particular committee, as explained Teutonic Congress.
Draghi's intervention before the German Parliament, although not usual, nor was the first appearance of a president of the ECB, as his predecessor, Jean Claude Trichet, did the same in April 2010, by the former head of the IMF Dominique manager Strauss-Kahn, to report the first bailout of Greece.



機関マドリード29 ENE 2013 - 17:45 CET
イタリア人は、あなたに彼らの批判ensañenにないポサダは "提案"したスポークスマンのような政治的口論に遭遇を変換しないを作るために質問に答えることができている最終的な考えとの会議を閉じた代表的な政府、議会のピンポイント情報源。

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