



El número de pensiones supera en enero los nueve millones por primera vez

El paulatino envejecimiento de la población pasa factura a las cuentas de la Seguridad Social

El gasto en prestaciones contributivas sube un 4,8% pese a la supresión de la paga por el IPC

El País Madrid 29 ENE 2013 - 10:39 CET

The number of pensions exceeds nine million in January for the first time

The gradual aging takes its toll on the Social Security accounts

The tax benefit spending rises by 4.8% despite the abolition of the wages by the CPI

The Country Madrid 29 ENE 2013 - 10:39 CET

The gradual aging of the population has increased the number of contributory pension payable monthly Social Security over nine million for the first time in history. The increase in benefits also is going into the coffers of invoices the institution, which in January increased starting intended these payments by 4.8% despite the government's decision not to compensate pensioners for inflation . Given this increase in performance and the continued decline in employment, social security and closed 2012 with its bulkier deficit since stopped funding healthcare.
According to data published this morning by the Ministry of Employment for the January 1, the number of contributory benefits increased by 1.5% to 9,008,348. What kind of benefit were the orphans, which increased by 7.3% although its weight relative to the total is small, and retirement, which are the most numerous and involve a greater expenditure, which rose by 2%. So, earlier this year, the authority had counted 5,402,863 pensions.
As for the cost of these benefits, contributory pension spending in January rose by 4.8% to 7.653 million, compared to the same month of 2011, when there was another extra pay to recover the loss of purchasing power caused by the inflation. Government forecasts are 4.2% to spend throughout 2013 in pensions.
The rally, which took place despite the elimination of compensation suffered by the CPI in 2012, which used to be paid in a single pay this month, and the consolidation of the revaluation in 2013, indicates that spending accelerates relative to the preceding months. This is because, says Fatima Banez department heads, by the increase in the number of receptors and the 1% increase approved by the Government this year for the services of over 1,000 euros and 2% for the rest.

moreLess than two workers per pensioner tradingThe crisis destroyed more than 2,000 jobs a day in 2012Deficit of 11,800 million in Social Security
In this connection, the average pension amounted to 969.89 euros, down 3.6% from the start of 2011. As for the average pension system, comprising the different types of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and family allowances), stood at 849.60 euros per month, representing an annual increase of 3 3%.
Compared with the growth of benefit recipients, the number of workers paying their monthly Social Security payments has fallen more strongly to suffer a decline of 4.57% in 2012. This means that at the end of 2012 there were 787,240 fewer employed than the end of 2011, equivalent to 16.3 million registered in the system. This has led to job losses, for the first time since 1997, there are fewer than two workers for every pensioner members, whose numbers in late December was 8.1 million. With these raw, Social Security ended 2012 with its biggest budget gap since stopped funding health: a deficit of 11,800 million, not counting the interest of the reserve fund.




カントリーマドリード29 ENE 2013 - 10:39 CET

受給者の成長と比較して、彼らの毎月の社会保障費を払って労働者数は、2012年には4.57パーセントの減少に苦しむより強く低下している。これは2012年の終わりにシステムに登録され1630万に相当する、2011年末より採用787240少ないがあったことを意味します。これは雇用喪失に​​つながっている、1997年以来初めて、その数、12月下旬に8.1百万ドルであったすべての年金受給者のメンバーのための2つの労働者よりも少ない。 11800百万円の赤字、積立金の利子を数えていないこれらの生、社会保障が停止資金健康以来最大の予算ギャップで2012を終了しましたと。

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