
スペインの共産党系労働組合CCOOの事務局長、イグナシオ·フェルナンデス=トーショは、 "間違った政策(緊縮財政)"が、スペインの労働市場への経済危機の影響を悪化させていることを訴える


スペインの共産党系労働組合CCOOの事務局長、イグナシオ·フェルナンデス=トーショは、 "間違った政策(緊縮財政)"が、スペインの労働市場への経済危機の影響を悪化させていることを訴える

IGNACIO FERNÁNDEZ TOXO / Secretario general de CC OO

“El aumento del paro es consecuencia de unas políticas erróneas e injustas”

El líder de CC OO advierte de que "es inevitable que el conflicto social aumente"

Toxo exige optar por alternativas que centren la atención sobre el empleo y las personas

La crisis del mercado laboral español resumida en 10 titulares
Méndez: “La reforma laboral es una máquina de destruir empleo”
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:28 CET

Ignacio Fernandez Toxo / Secretary General of CCOO

"The increase in unemployment is a result of erroneous and unjust policies"

CCOO leader warns that "it is inevitable that social conflict increases"

Toxo requires opt for alternatives that focus on employment and people

The Spanish labor market crisis in 10 holders summary
Mendez: "The labor reform is a machine to destroy jobs"

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:28 CET

The Secretary General of CCOO, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, complains that the "wrong policies" are exacerbating the effects of the crisis on the Spanish labor market. Moreover, after learning of the EPA data for the fourth quarter confirming a further increase in unemployment, warns that "it is inevitable that social conflict increases" in 2013 at the insistence of the government to cut spending on items "essential".
Question: Nearly six million and rising, how long you can hold it?
Answer: The Spanish company is holding its fourth consecutive year the effects of the crisis. In 2012 have increased the unemployment rolls by nearly a million people and this is a consequence of the adoption of erroneous and unjust policies, from the labor standpoint and from the standpoint of reducing protection frameworks social and shrinking public services, resulting in an unbalanced distribution of efforts between the public, most especially affecting the weakest part of the population.

Labor reform precarious access to employment and the employer gives absolute power
Also in the 2013 Budget to cut become essential items of expenditure on education, health, dependency, social services, basic pillars of the Welfare State, the consequences of the failure of these principles will lead to social and economic consequences affecting deep draft to social cohesion and balance. To continue in this direction is inevitable that social conflict increases.
Q: When will we see the situation changing, not seasonally?
A: When policies change in Spain and Europe. There are alternatives that pass a basis for changing the production model, strengthening the welfare state, putting employment and people at the center of policy and establish a competitive labor relations framework with quality of life of workers. To implement these alternatives requires a tax system fairer and more powerful, with a deficit reduction schedule consistent with the necessary public sector involvement in the Spanish economy and of course strengthening democratic mechanisms, and among others, recovering social dialogue.
In Europe it is necessary to establish a new social contract, it must maintain and strengthen the identity of the European social model. All these proposals, this viable alternative to overcome the crisis, the paper set up trade union organizations have submitted to the Government.
Q: Have you made, the share of responsibility that touches them, all they could?
A: In many cases, the work they do is intentionally invisible unions. In this long period of crisis we have reached several important agreements, from facilitating the renewal process of documentation for immigrants in early 2009, the Economic and Social Agreement of February 2011, which incorporated the agreement on pensions and modification of Active Employment Policy, the PREPARE program, the replacement of benefits (6 months) unemployment in Files Temporary Employment Reduction (ERTE), among many others, and especially the two employment agreements and negotiation collective in the current legislature, unique in Europe.

There are alternatives that pass by putting employment and people at the center of policy
The second such agreement signed with organizations CEOE and CEPYME, responded to our will constructively and responsibly. An effort has not been reciprocated by the Government, which approved 15 days after a labor reform that violates the terms of this agreement and introduces cutting rights, discretion and imbalance in favor of the employer.
But CC is also a powerful OO Solidarity Network, formed by their affiliation, union representatives, who day after day, in your workplace, fighting for jobs and working conditions. In addition we are aware that we have to strengthen the points of care for people unemployed.
P: Nor the last labor reform has stopped deteriorating employment, why?
A: Because our problems are not in the labor law. Labor reform is a sharp cut in labor and social rights. Far from solving the weaknesses of the labor market reform precarious access to employment, increasing labor market segmentation, cheapens the dismissal, the employer gives absolute power over the working conditions of workers in core subjects, including salary, and violates the right to collective bargaining.
Q: What should I do now? What is the most urgent?
A: At present, the main objective of Spanish society is creating jobs, but while the economy is reactivated, the most important thing is to put people first, and this can only increase the level of social protection especially for people unemployed who lack any economic coverage and increasing month after month. We also need to strengthen public policies and the welfare state to compensate for inequalities and ensure social cohesion.

スペインの共産党系労働組合CCOOの事務局長、イグナシオ·フェルナンデス=トーショは、 "間違った政策(緊縮財政)"が、スペインの労働市場への経済危機の影響を悪化させていることを訴える
イグナシオ·フェルナンデスToxo/ CCOO事務局長


CCOOリーダーは "それは避けられないという社会的な紛争が増加している"と警告している


メンデス: "労働改革は雇用を破壊するための機械である"

マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード24 ENE 2013 - 11時28分CET
CCOOの事務局長、イグナシオ·フェルナンデスToxoは、 "間違った政策は"スペインの労働市場への危機の影響を悪化させていることを訴える。また、失業のさらなる増加を確認した第4四半期にはEPAのデータを学習した後、 "必須"項目への支出を削減する政府の主張で、2013年には "それは社会的な紛争が増加することは避けられない"と警告している。
回答:スペインの会社は4年連続での危機の影響を保持している。 2012年にはほぼ万人が失業ロールを増加させており、これは労働力の観点からと保護の枠組み低減の観点から、誤りや不当な政策の採択の結果である特に最も人口の最も弱い部分に影響を与え、国民の間の努力のアンバランスな分布で、その結果、社会的、公共サービスを縮小。


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