Las caras del paro
Seis rostros y sus respectivas historias que reflejan los seis años de aumento del desempleo
Los jóvenes, los inmigrantes y los parados de larga duración son los colectivos más afectados
España acaba 2012 al borde de los seis millones de parados
Consulta toda la información de Empleo
El País Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 16:09 CET
Faces of Unemployment
Six faces and their stories which reflect the six years of rising unemployment
The youth, immigrants and long-term unemployed are the most affected
Spain ends 2012 on the edge of the six million unemployed
Check all information on Employment
The Country Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 16:09 CET
Unemployment has risen consecutively for the past six years in Spain, which is the time that has elapsed since the bursting of the housing bubble to date. In this period, the country has broken all records in modern history. However, while the decline in employment has affected all sectors and groups, the recession has hit young people, the inmigranes and long-term unemployed. Also among public employees has been an unprecedented rise in unemployment nigh by the effects of the adjustments against the deficit and spending cuts. Here we pick six stories with names for each of the years that drags down the Spanish labor market.
Antonio Salom is 30 and is one of the leading Spanish 3,280,400 over a year unemployed. He worked for more transportation companies until, year and a half ago, he lost his last job. Since then, nothing. "In fact, I do not even look for work looking" he says. "I think 90% of the unemployed are no longer behind a job. It is wasting time and money to go throwing resumes in companies that directly or they want "(read more ...).
Geovanny Andrade Warblers and Carola are of Guayaquil (Ecuador) and have been together 13 of his 33 years. The last 12 years have been spent in Spain, birthplace of his daughter, six. His is one of the 1,833,700 Spanish households where no member working assets, a 10.53% of the total. All three share a room in the Madrid neighborhood of Pueblo Nuevo (Read more ...).
Amàlia Garrigós, television experiodista Valencia was dismissed in the ERE of autonomous entity. After 20 years of working, now stands but says not to. She is studying a masters and improving their knowledge of social networks. It also has books and concerts. "Now I'm really stressed stop," says (read more ...).
Brazal Raul Gonzalez, Madrid, 35, tries to develop his career as a filmmaker in a precarious environment in which it has never gained access to a permanent job. His case is an example of the thousands of unemployed who are not listed on the public employment services and therefore do not appear in the lists of the Ministry. "Through Inem not going to call you to work on a production," justifies (read more ...).
Georgeta Prunean, 42, arrived in Spain last eleven years and for many seasons has worked seven days a week, sometimes day and night. However, after two years bouncing between jobs sporadic believes that now is the "time to go" to Romania. "Here we have a house and a garden, no work," he said (read more ...).
Sergi Gomez, 24, studied Tourism and Hospitality Management at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He worked as a waiter for years on temporary contracts until they got tired of studying did not help you prosper and moved to London. It is one of many who left the country in search of an opportunity (read more ...).
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