Francia quiere crear un nuevo modelo para luchar contra la crisis
El primer ministro Jean-Marc Ayrault presenta una batería de 15 medidas para el primer semestre destinadas a “renovar en profundidad" la economía para adoptarla a los tiempos presentes
El Constitucional francés censura la tasa de Hollande a los más ricos
75% de IRPF para millonarios: ¿justicia social o castigo al rico?
Ana Teruel París 3 ENE 2013 - 12:08 CET
France wants to create a new model to tackle the crisis
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault presents a battery of 15 for the first half measures intended to "renew in depth" the economy to adapt it to the present day
The French Constitutional censorship Hollande rate for the richest
75% income tax for millionaires: social justice or punishment to the rich?
Ana Teruel Paris 3 ENE 2013 - 12:08 CET
The French Government has resumed today the political course after the short break holiday and Constitutional Council drubbing last weekend, when the great promise annulled election of President François Hollande: the 75% tax on income over one million euros . In the first cabinet meeting of the year, held at the Elysee, the president pointed out that the priority set for this year is the fight against unemployment. In turn, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has presented a set of 15 measures for the first half intended to "renew depth to adopt the French model to the present time."
Hollande, during his speech at the government behind closed doors, then sent by his press service, stressed that "2013 is the year" in which government must "achieve recovery to allow the French to reap its fruits." The president reiterated the objectives set in the year-end speech: reverse the unemployment curve before the end of 2013, "prepare for the future" through a "strategy of investment, both public and private" and finally " placing youth at the heart of our priorities. "
"The priority is to create conditions for growth (....) in order to reverse the rising unemployment curve for almost two years," Ayrault had indicated earlier in the courtyard of the Elysee. "France is a great country, a great nation, we can get what I call the new French model, ie to get the country's recovery but without denying, without forgetting (...) republican values of liberty, equality, fraternity, solidarity and justice "he said.
In an article that was published in Le Monde on January 4, Ayrault explains in detail the concept of "new French model" designed to give "a reality to its founding republican values". "We must find a new balance, invent new modes of action to remain faithful to the Republican promise to promote sustainable and Republican, shared and sustainable in a rapidly changing world."
The program for the coming months and includes a "remodeling" of the 75% tax free "change its principle", but gives no specific date. The Prime Minister had already indicated that the new rate will apply to income in 2013, as part of year-end budgets, giving the government time to seek a better formulation and avoid a new Constitutional veto. In this regard, the government spokesman, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, today confirmed again that all the provisions annulled by the Constitutional represent a loss of 500 million euros (about 200 correspond to the rate of 75%), and not as claimed 1,000 million daily Les Echos.
Among the measures that the government has found the "generation contract", a subsidized jobs for young people entering the labor market for remaining senior associates to the form. The government expects that the initiative, which will be debated in Parliament this month, leading to permanent contracts for 500,000 young people and 500,000 jobs held over the next five years. The second major measure of employment is the result of consultation between employers and unions on labor reform, which will be held on 10 and 11 January.
The Government also provides banking reform that Parliament should debate this month from an educational reform to be presented later this month at the Council of Ministers, and a reassessment of the minimum wage by the end of the month.
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