Las comunidades autónomas concentran la reducción de empleo público
El sector público se queda en 2,9 millones de asalariados tras perder 218.900 empleos en 2012
Tres de cada cuatro puestos de trabajos perdidos en el sector corresponden a las comunidades
Los ajustes presupuestarios y la reforma laboral aceleran la destrucción de empleo público
Empleos en EL PAÍS - Monster
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:36 CET
The autonomous communities concentrated reducing public employment
The public sector remains at 2.9 million employees after losing 218,900 jobs in 2012
Three of every four jobs lost in the sector come from communities
Budget adjustments and labor reform accelerate the destruction of public employment
Jobs in the country - Monster
Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:36 CET
Budget cuts make a dent in employment since the end of 2011. But now the Labour Force Survey (LFS) shows that it made more intense in recent months. And that changed the impact of sidewalk. If at the start of last year were the central government and local councils who bore the brunt of the destruction of jobs, now are the Autonomous Communities. If in the last quarter of 2012 there were 74,500 fewer employees in the public sector, three of every four jobs lost (58,000) correspond to communities.
One of every four jobs lost in 2012 was occupied by public employees
Overall in 2012, the public sector lost 218,900 jobs (in 2011 was 32,400), reaching 2.9 million employees. It is 7% less than at the end of last year, and the lowest level of public employment since 2008. The cut has accelerated in the second half of the year, so much more intense than in the private sector (6%), an unprecedented event. At the end of the year, the EPA reflects 684,800 employees less than a year ago in private activities, reaching only 11 million contract, as a whole, the number of public and private employees is less than 14 million, the lowest figure since 2003 .
CSI-F complaint "an undercover ERE" in public employment
CSI-F The union has complained that there is "a covert ERE public employment" and therefore urges the Government to undertake an urgent plan of human resource management in public administrations. The sector lost 218,900 jobs in 2012, seven times more than in 2011.
In a statement, the public service union warns that "more than ever" necessary to make a diagnosis "objective and planned" human resources management to determine the needs of the different services, making the urgent call one public job, develop a consolidation plan and temporary employment.
"At present, access to public employment and is no guarantee of anything. We are risking the future of the State Social democracy we have built through the efforts of the Spanish, "the president of CSI-F, Miguel Borra.
The public employees now account for 17% of total employment (16.96 million people) in the Spanish labor market. But in the final months of 2012, job losses in the public sector was proportionately higher: one in four jobs destroyed in the Spanish economy during the last year was occupied by a public employee.
In the past year, the PP has extreme measures already adopted the previous socialist government to cut spending in administration staff, another tribute to the prevailing policy of fiscal austerity. In addition to extra pay to remove officials, governments have frozen the public offer of employment, have restricted the recruitment of temporary and interim staff and working hours have increased.
But the two factors that explain the acceleration of job losses in the public sector in 2012 are labor reform and regional settings. The legal changes approved by the PP easier and cheaper mass redundancies in the public sector. And the regions have begun to make cuts in education and health, the two activities that concentrate most public employees.
Both factors combine to throw an unprecedented job losses in the regional administration, which lost 148,000 jobs in 2012 to stay employed 1.62 million, 8.4% less than the previous year. The number of employees in the central government fell by 15,900 people (-3% annual rate), while local corporations are left 47 200 jobs, to situate in 576,300 employees, the lowest since mid-2004.
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