



Reino Unido publica los nombres y fotos de los mayores evasores fiscales en 2012

El fisco británico señala a los 32 mayores defraudadores e impone en total 155 años de cárcel

EP Londres 4 ENE 2013 - 17:07 CET

UK published the names and photos of the biggest tax evaders in 2012

The British Treasury said the 32 biggest fraudsters and imposes total of 155 years in prison

London EP 4 ENE 2013 - 17:07 CET

The British Treasury has published the names and photographs of the 32 greatest sentenced for tax fraud in 2012 as part of a campaign against tax evasion developed by the UK tax authorities.

The convictions of the 32 identified fraudsters This list add prison terms for a total of 155 years and 10 months, said the British Treasury.

The cases included in the list, which is accessible through http://www.flickr.com/photos/hmrcgovuk/sets/72157632409515581, are primarily for fraud in the VAT return, as well as the smuggling of alcohol and snuff.

Treasury Secretary, David Gauke, said the government's commitment to pursue tax evasion, noting that "collectively these 32 criminals have been sentenced to over 150 years." "Most follow the rules and pay his due and the tax authorities are taking active measures regarding those who do not," he added.

"We hope that the publication of these photographs help to show the importance of reporting all income and tax evaders are simply accumulating future problems," he said.



ロンドンEP4 ENE 2013 - 17時07分CET



財務長官はデイビッドGaukeことを指摘し、脱税を追求する政府のコミットメントを言った "集合的にこれらの32の犯罪者は150年以上の刑を宣告されました。" "規則に従うと、彼が原因と税務当局を払うほとんどはそうでない人について、積極的な措置を取っている"と彼は付け加えた


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