La amnistía fiscal aflora 40.000 millones ocultos
El ministro dice que la regularización "supone un ensanchamiento de las bases tributarias"
El tipo pagado por los evasores para blanquear sus bienes es de un 3% y no el 10% previsto
Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 23 ENE 2013 - 13:56 CET
The tax amnesty hidden outcrops 40,000 million
The minister said the regulation "means a broadening of the tax bases"
The rate paid by evaders to whiten their property is 3% and not 10% expected
Jesus Gonzalez Sérvulo Madrid 23 ENE 2013 - 13:56 CET
The Government's tax amnesty has emerged at least 40,000 million euros, as has moved this morning Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, during his appearance in the House of Representatives to clarify some aspects of the process. The minister asked to come to Parliament to explain the extraordinary tax regularization procedure, as the government called the pardon attorney, after reports that revealed that the PP extesorero, Luis Barcenas, indicted for his alleged role in the Gürtel case, had received amnesty for 10 million euros whiten their Swiss accounts.
Although Montoro has stated that the data is not closed and still needs "time to calculate the amount of income upwelled", has stated that "the amount is at least 40,000 million euros: representing four points of GDP . And that this calculation is not closed, "said in his speech. "This is a very significant widening of the tax base to increase revenues every year from now on."
moreMontoro see "impertinent and ruin" to be asked of the envelopes of BarcenasAznar announced that demand for the country for the 'case Barcenas'"If I knew what I know today, I would not have submitted to Barcenas"
However, not all income upwelled will provide more revenue for the Treasury futures, as some of them pay taxes in other countries. Taxpayers will have to pay tax on their worldwide income and then as Finance, will study each case and will consider agreements with those countries to avoid double taxation.
Moreover, according to data from Montoro, the rate paid by evaders to launder their assets and income is opaque about 3% instead of 10% expected. This is because it allowed the Treasury of benefiting from this procedure only pay for their rents not prescribed. Only had to pay tax on income from accounts obtained in periods prescribed.
The truth is that the tax amnesty has disappointed the expectations of the Government. The government had planned to enter 2,500 million euros with tax regularization process, which ended on November 30. But the final collection was less than half: 1,193 million euros, according to the minister revealed during his speech. And that, despite the facilities given by the Treasury to evaders: It allowed them to legalize the hidden money paying only 10% or less, a far lower rate than if they had complied with the Treasury from the beginning.
The minister also announced that the amnesty has received 31,529 claims. Hacienda accurate in a statement that "the bulk of the statements gathered in November when 29,242 claims were filed for a total of 1.050 million." This means that taxpayers who availed the tax reprieve did days before the expiry of the process. Of the returns filed, 29,065 were filed by individuals, others by 618 entities (companies).
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