El PP plantea que los parados que rechacen un trabajo no cobren prestación
Elvira Rodríguez sostiene que los parados "deben formarse"
The PP states that the unemployed who refuse a job not charge delivery
Elvira Rodriguez argues that the unemployed "should be formed"
Esther Weaver / Agencies Madrid 5 JUL 2012 - 12:33 CET
Unemployment benefit "is not a deferred salary which should be linked to the recycling of the unemployed and to be missed if you are declining a job offer." In this manner has ruled this morning Elvira Rodriguez, president of the Committee on Economy and Competitiveness in Congress and People's Party deputy. Rodriguez denied that it will tighten the conditions of access to provision, and noted that the access condition is "losing the job."
Questioned by the background that your ad may be, the former minister said that no time would cut the delivery charge or the amount, "It is a matter of time if it drives the provision that the unemployed forming and recycle" . Yes it was very explicit in saying that "the unemployed if they are offered a position, it must take or else lose the benefit."
If the unemployed are offered a position, it must take or else lose the benefit
Elvira Rodriguez
Rodriguez's statements are in line with the proposals in recent days have made both the CEOE and the Business Circle. The president of the latter, Monica de Oriol, said today that the Spanish unemployment is the "most generous of the European Union", so wondered "if the country can afford." Juan Rosell, president of the CEOE, gave notice yesterday the Government to implement measures "painful and difficult" against the deficit, because the maintenance of current levels will lead to Spain "the abyss, the abyss and death." Such measures "painful" Rosell noted the need to "analyze" the duration and amount of the benefit, while considered "basic" tack to the training: "If people are unemployed should be forming" said.
Law Violations and Sanctions of Social Order (SMOOTH) and determines if the employee rejects an offer of suitable employment to your profile will be penalized with a loss of three months of delivery, if two bids are rejected, lost six months of unemployment , and if they refuse three offers, you lose all the benefit. In addition, the unemployed who refuse to receive training courses can also be punished. Therefore not clear whether Rodriguez's announcement today involve a reform of these requirements that must be unemployed and respect for continued receipt of benefits, or if, on the contrary will be launched in a balloon during one of the many discussion forums that usually come to the politicians.
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