



Una batería de medidas para recortar 65.000 millones este año y el que viene

El Ejecutivo anuncia una batería de 20 reformas de aquí a final de año para cumplir con Bruselas

A battery of measures to cut 65,000 million this year and next

The Executive announced a battery of 20 reforms between now and year end to meet Brussels

The Country 13 JUL 2012 - 17:17 CET
The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said on Wednesday the battery of measures that aims to achieve an adjustment of 65,000 million in the budget this year and next. Today some of them have resulted in the Council of Ministers. But the vice president has announced that the cuts will follow. "By the end of the year, we will bring 20 laws" to continue in this line.

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IVA. Effective September 1 raises the VAT. The overall rate of this tax will rise from 18% to 21% and reduced from 8% to 10%. Super is intact, which applies to commodities such as food. However, the increase in VAT will not stay here, because a lot of products that were previously passed in the low normal. The jump is 13 points.

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Suspension of extra pay. Employees will not charge extra pay in December for Christmas. In principle, as explained the officials of the government, the measure is adopted this year alone. This cut is a cut of gross annual salary of the officials is between 5% and 7%, and a saving of 4,000 million euros. As explained by the finance minister, Cristobal Montoro, employees of various government definitely will not lose this revenue, as from 2015, "with a very different economic situation" will welcome you in its pension fund.
Fewer days off. The Government has also approved three other measures affecting public employees to save up 6.315 million. One is the reduction of days off with the officials. Specifically, all public employees lost three of the six days off they have now called moscosos. In addition, they lose days off as accumulated earning seniority, known as gray. In short, when published the decree of the administration workers will stay with three days off a year.
Less released: also reduce the number of staff and will prevent low charge when 100% of salary. Montoro has justified this measure, and the suppression of days off, saying that employees are treated well public to private.
Reduction of unemployment. To reduce unemployment spending, the Government will reduce the replacement rate of benefits from the first half year during which an unemployed person is receiving unemployment insurance will drop from 60% to 50%.
Rearrangement of Directors. The county councils are going to gain weight. Will take over management of the services of the municipalities of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants not adequately provided. To do so, amend the Basic Law on Local Government, which also end with the municipalities and the districts, "intermediate bodies without much sense."

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Lottery money for autonomy. Communities have serious funding commitments, as capital markets have closed their doors. To overcome this serious problem, the Government shall constitute a fund of 18,000 million euros. One third of this fund will come from State Lotteries, the rest will be provided by the Treasury. This is an alternative measure to hispanobonos, a measure that Treasury had considered but eventually ruled out.
Quotes. In 2013, a point will be reduced by social security contributions. And in 2014, in another. According to Montoro, is offset by the increase in VAT and stimulate hiring. The point reduction in social contributions is a reduction in Social Security revenues in excess of 3,000 million euros. The explanation of the Minister of Finance has not detailed how much of the fees will be reduced, if it will be common contingencies in unemployment insurance or temporary disability.
Rates higher than high salaries: The government has changed the basis of contributions of some groups. So, has risen by five points the maximum base of employees and in a low paid by self-employed.
Less deductions for corporations: Corporate tax is modified to prevent large companies sign up losses as tax credits for 2012 and 2013. Also increased by 10% the tax payable on profits earned abroad.
Increased retention of professionals: The guy who paid the so-called professionals and a significant number of self rises from 15% to 21% in order to improve the liquidity of the State without having to wait for year end.

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Discounts throughout the year: The government has liberalized "completely" sales periods, so far regulated and restricted to two periods per year, one in summer and one winter.
Rise in fees in private schools: The fees paid by families for concerted education is not compulsory (High School and Intermediate FP) may rise by up to 100% by allowing the government to communities to upload the 18 euros per month current to 36 euros.
Snip support for rent: The Basic Income Emancipation call and is intended to help young people to pay the rent is reduced by 30%. With this decline, moving from the current 210 euros to 147 euros per month.



カントリー13 JUL 2012 - 午後05時17分CET

首相は、マリアーノRajoyは、水曜日に今年と来年の予算に65000万ドルの調整を達成することを目的と対策のバッテリーを述べた。今日はそれらのいくつかは、閣僚評議会につながった。しかし、副社長は、カットが続くことを発表しました。この行で続行するには、 "年末までに、我々は、20の法律をもたらすだろう"。




割増賃金の懸濁液。従業員はクリスマス、12月に割増賃金を請求することはありません。政府の当局者は説明したように、原則的に、メジャーは今年だけで採用されている。このカットは、5%および7%、4,000万ユーロの節約の間にある職員の総年俸のカットです。財務大臣、モントロによって説明したように、さまざまな政府の従業員は間違いなく "非常に異なる経済状況で"、2015年からのように、この収入を失うことはありません、その年金基金であなたを歓迎します。
取締役の転位。郡議会は、重量を得るために予定されています。十分に提供されていない2万住民未満の市町村のサービスの管理を引き継ぎます。これを行うには、 "あまり意味がなく、中間体"も、市町村と地区で終了し地方自治に関する基本法、改正


引用。 2013年には、ポイントは、社会保障拠出金が減額されます。そして2014年に、別のインチモントロによると、VATの増加により一部相殺されており、雇用刺激する。社会貢献のポイント減少は3,000百万ユーロ以上の社会保障収入の減少である。それは失業保険や一時的な障害の一般的な不測の事態になる場合財務大臣の説明は、削減されますどのくらいの費用の詳細されていません。


年間を通じて割引:政府はこれまでの規制、 "完全に"販売期間を自由化し、年ごとに2つの期間、夏の1と1冬に制限されています。

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