



Anticorrupción investigará los pagos del PP y si tienen relación con el caso Gürtel

El fiscal se opone de momento a que el juez Ruz investigue las anotaciones contables de Bárcenas

Torres-Dulce ordena a Anticorrupción que sean ellos los que indaguen la contabilidad B del partido

El ministerio público decidirá tras esa investigación si existe delito y qué juez debe investigarlo

Pide a Ruz que Luis Bárcenas vuelva a declarar por sus cuentas en Suiza y la amnistía fiscal

Manuel Altozano Madrid 1 FEB 2013 - 14:34 CET

Anticorruption investigate PP payments and if it relates to the case Gürtel

Prosecutor opposes the judge time to investigate the accounting entries Ruz Barcenas

Torres-Dulce Anticorruption orders be authorized to inquire accounting party B

The prosecutor will decide after that if crime investigation and which judge should investigate

Requests that Luis Barcenas Ruz again declare his Swiss bank accounts and the tax amnesty

Manuel Altozano Madrid 1 FEB 2013 - 14:34 CET

The Attorney General, Eduardo Torres-Dulce, has ordered the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor to investigate the possible relationship between the payments made to the dome of the PP with the documentation in the Gürtel case summary. These investigative, who heads the prosecutor Antonio Romeral, opened last week, before the country is to publish the secret accounts of Barcenas. Now, with new items on the table, the prosecutor must determine whether the supply of money that appear in the documentation Evidence from a crime and if these crimes could be attributed to the PP leaders that appear in the list.
Thus, the prosecution objects, for now, to prosecute the supply of money to the PP leaders who collects handwritten accounting extesorero party, Luis Barcenas, until it is determined what affect people, what crimes are could be charged and if it relates to the Gürtel case.
"The possible existence of a box B's Party and, where necessary, the source of funds and their destination, is being investigated in the proceedings informative 1/2013 to be handled in this open Anticorruption Prosecutor dated January 24, 2013. So, should there connection to the facts of this case, would proceed immediately to referral to this court [the magistrate's Pablo Ruz], "according to the prosecution in a statement.
So, that payments may become a separate piece Gürtel case, would confirm that such deliveries of money have a relationship with the 22 million Barcenas discovered in a Swiss bank, according to the prosecution. In any case, the prosecution has asked Judge Pablo Ruz, which is investigating the Gürtel case in the High Court, I called again to testify Barcenas to be questioned about his Swiss bank accounts and the tax amnesty which partially accepted .
The prosecution, after investigation, the judge will decide whether to investigate Ruz the payments only if it is a relationship between them and the 22 million allegedly evaded by Barcenas in Switzerland. If there is no connection with the Gürtel case, the matter could end up in the courts of Madrid, in the Supreme Court or the High Court that the accused is volumetric concerned.
Fiscal sources recall that if payments were not declared to the tax, there would be only one tax offense or offense against the public if the amount charged exceed 120,000 euros. Should not exceed that amount, it would simply be a tax violation that would result in a penalty of Finance.
El Pais published today that much of the income recorded in accounting Barcenas handwritten violated the law of financing political parties. Eduardo Torres-Dulce yesterday was in favor of opening a criminal investigation and the case papers Luis Barcenas,


検察官は、会計エントリRuz Barcenasを調査するために裁判官時間に反対



ルイスBarcenas Ruzは再び彼のスイスの銀行口座と税金恩赦を宣言することを要求

マヌエルアルトサーノマドリード1 FEB 2013 - 午後02時34分CET
"箱の存在の可能性は、Bのパーティーや、必要に応じて資金とそれらの宛先のソースは、このオープンな汚職防止検察庁で処理する2013分の1有益な手続で検討されている文の中で検察側によると、 "だから。2013年1月24日付け、この事件の事実への接続がある場合は、この裁判所への照会に即時に進行する[奉行パブロRuz]。
検察は、調査の後、裁判官はそれがそれらと伝えられるところでは、スイスのBarcenasによって回避2200万間の関係である場合にのみRuz支払いを調査するかどうかを判断します。 Gürtelケースとの接続がない場合、問題は、被告人の体積関係であることを最高裁判所や高等裁判所で、マドリードの裁判所で終わる可能性もある。

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