



Nubarrones en los concesionarios

La atomización y el elevado ‘stock’ lastran la rentabilidad de la distribución de vehículos

Desde que estalló la crisis se han perdido 30.000 empleos

Ginés Donaire 1 FEB 2013 - 13:49 CET

Clouds on dealers

The atomization and high 'stock' hinder the profitability of vehicle distribution

Since the outbreak of the crisis have lost 30,000 jobs

Donaire Ginés 1 FEB 2013 - 13:49 CET

Vehicles increasingly spend more time at the dealers, and stocks do not stop growing. It is, without doubt, the most worrisome indicator of the deep crisis being experienced by the distribution sector of the automobile, which has seen them fall to half its financial performance since 2007.
Two researchers from the University of Jaen (UJA) conducted a study that analyzed the current competitive position of Spanish dealers of cars and SUVs. Specifically, José Moyano Fuentes, Professor of Management, and the engineer José Pedro Martinez Jury examined the internal management, efficiency and relationships with customers and manufacturers of a sample of 247 dealers of cars and 4 × 4 of 52 Spanish provinces.
The official dealer industry directly employs 150,000 people and is made primarily by SMEs. However, in recent years, is suffering a loss of competitiveness motivated as much by economic crisis and by the stringent conditions imposed distribution automakers. The crisis has caused the destruction of around 30,000 jobs, due mainly to stagnation in household consumption.
The sector includes companies engaged in the sale and repair of motor vehicles and has four subgroups of activity. The most important of them is dedicated to the maintenance and repair of vehicles, representing 64.4% of the companies, followed by dedicated vehicle sales, with 23.7%.

Over half of the centers are integrated into larger groups
The crisis is changing customer behavior. Thus, for example, used vehicles, although not escape the downward trend, have a less negative than that experienced by new vehicles. Specifically, the current gap of two vehicles is used for each new. This value is still far from other European countries such as Britain, with 3.2, and France, with 2.7. However, new vehicle sales account for 60% of revenue, compared with 14% of the equipment.
The rate of creation of new dealerships has slowed sharply in recent years, and that only 3% of the establishments was established after 2004. The vast majority of dealers are family businesses organized as corporations. 66% of the analyzed centers have fewer than 50 employees, and 12% have less than 10 employees. It also highlights the high stability of the templates, as 87% of employees are fixed.
At the same time, there is a concentration of ownership, as more than half of the dealers are integrated into larger groups that sell different brands. "There has been some fragmentation in terms of its scale, because the dealers have a very small number of outlets located within their immediate local environment," says Prof. José Moyano, who is also a professor at the Polytechnic School of Linares.
Grantees show a pessimistic view on the evolution of sales of new vehicles in the future, as more than half of respondents think these fall in the next three years and that the average decrease will be 25% of what currently charged. The vision is more positive about the future evolution of sales of used vehicles, but the expected increase is less than 10%.

Currently sold two cars used by each new
The dealers who sell vehicles come mostly from own stock exposure or point of sale. In a quarter of cases are from the manufacturer's stock, and a smaller percentage (15%) of delayed delivery by the manufacturer. The average delivery of new vehicles to customers is only 29 days.
As for the efficiency of the sales process, the report of the UJA teachers warned that "the situation is worrying vehicle inventories", which directly affects the profitability and viability of these companies. Thus, new cars dealers keep their exhibits an average of 79 days, a period that is very high even higher in the stock of cars for sale (97 days).
Revenues of the dealers began to collapse after 2007, the year from which also halved financial profitability. "This highlights the really dramatic consequences for licensees of the economic crisis, which has led to such notable descents of almost graze benefits limits the survival of these companies," concludes the study by researchers Jaén. It is noted, finally, that these companies are not in accordance with the sales margins and revenue goals that set the marks, underlining the stiffness distribution contracts to address exceptional situations.


霧化および高 '株式'は車両分布の収益性を妨げる


DonaireがGinés1 FEB 2013 - 13時49分CET

多くのディーラーの半数以上が、異なるブランドを販売する大きなグループに統合されていると同時に、所有権の濃度は、があります。 "ディーラーは彼らの即時のローカル環境内に位置してコンセントの非常に数が少ないので、その規模の面でいくつかの断片化がありました、"また、工科学校の教授で教授ホセMoyanoは言うリナレス。

販売プロセスの効率化に関しては、ユダヤ人抗議教師の報告書は、直接これらの企業の収益性および実行可能性に影響し、 "状況は車両の在庫を心配している"と警告した。従って、新車ディーラーが79日間の平均、販売のための車(97日)の株価でも高い非常に高い期間彼らの展示を続ける。
ディーラーの収益は、2007年以降も、金融収益が半減しているから年を折りたたむようになった。 "これは、これらの企業の生存を制限ほとんど放牧利点のような顕著な下降につながっている経済危機のライセンシーにとって本当に劇的な結果を強調し、"研究者のハエンによる研究は結論付けています。それは、これらの企業は例外的な状況に対処するために剛性分布契約を下線、マークを設定し、販売マージンや収益目標に従っていないことを、最後に、注目される。

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