スペインのカタルーニャ高等裁判所:TSJC(el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya)は、6人の生徒にスペイン語(カステリヤーノ)での授業を行うようにカタルーニャ自治州政府に命令(現在カタルーニャ自治州では75%?位はカタラン語で25%?位はカステリヤーノ(スペイン語)で行われている。教師により授業で使う言語が異なる)
El TSJC ordena a la Generalitat ofrecer enseñanza en castellano a seis alumnos
El auto impone la medida de forma cautelar hasta que se resuelva el recurso del Gobierno catalán
EFE Barcelona 4 ENE 2013 - 16:08 CET
The TSJC orders the Government to provide education in Castilian six students
The self imposed as a precautionary measure pending resolution of the appeal of the Catalan government
EFE Barcelona 4 ENE 2013 - 16:08 CET
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has ordered the Government to take such precautionary measures to six students of nursery, primary and secondary are Castilian and Catalan as the language of instruction. In six different cars, which have been reported today, the fifth section of the Division of Administrative Litigation of TSJC required for this treatment is given to students until the dispute is resolved that his parents raised to a resolution of the Ministry Education dismissing his claims.
In these six specific cases, the TSJC requires the Department to, as a precautionary measure, to take "the measures necessary" to adapt the system of language teaching to the situation created by the Constitutional Court ruling on the statute, which also considers to Castilian as the language of education in Catalonia, together with Catalan. In a press release, the TSJC notified clarifies that cars today do not pose "absolutely" segregation of students based on language.
This same section of TSJC was that, in 2011, in relation to an appeal by three other families, issued an order in which he gave an ultimatum of two months to implement the Catalan Castilian as the language of instruction in schools, which was suspended later to be challenged by the Government.
Section five also recognized in May 2012 the right four other families to have their children educated with Castilian as the language of teaching in the same proportion as the Catalan, which led to the Councillor Irene Rigau to present a appeal on the ground that the court decision involved a "crack" the Catalan education system.
In the six cars, the fifth section of the Litigation Division of TSJC warns that despite giving reason parents when determining the injunction, that does not necessarily bring forward the decision on the merits raised in the appeal.
スペインのカタルーニャ高等裁判所:TSJC(el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya)は、6人の生徒にスペイン語(カステリヤーノ)での授業を行うようにカタルーニャ自治州政府に命令(現在カタルーニャ自治州では75%?位はカタラン語で25%?位はカステリヤーノ(スペイン語)で行われている。教師により授業で使う言語が異なる)
EFEバルセロナ4 ENE 2013 - 午後4時08 CET
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