15 provincias españolas acumulan una tasa de desempleo superior al 30%
Andalucía, Extremadura, Castilla La-Mancha y Canarias son las comunidades con más paro
La crisis del mercado laboral español en 10 titulares
Consulta el especial de Empleo de EL PAÍS
J. SÉRVULO GONZÁLEZ Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:52
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15 Spanish provinces collect an unemployment rate above 30%
Andalucía, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and the Canaries are communities with higher unemployment
The Spanish labor market crisis in 10 holders
Check the Special Employment COUNTRY
J. GONZALEZ Sérvulo Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 11:52 CET
The Labour Force Survey reveals that 15 of the 52 Spanish provinces collect an unemployment rate above 30%, according to figures released this morning by the National Statistics Institute (INE). In this situation all the territories are Andalusians, the two provinces of Extremadura, Albacete, Ciudad Real and Toledo, two of the Canary Islands and Ceuta.
Total 21 provinces have an unemployment rate of over 26%. The problem in the south of the peninsula is aggravated. Cadiz is the Spanish province with the highest unemployment rate, already reaches 40.63%. That is, four out of ten people of working age are unemployed in Cadiz. Furthermore, all the Andalusian provinces have over 30% unemployment.
Click to view the chart. Source: INE / The CountryUnemployment is primed with women. Six Spanish provinces suffer an unemployment rate above 40% female. In Ceuta one in two women (50.87%) are aimed at Inem lists as plaintiffs in a job.
Regarding communities, Asturias is where unemployment has risen more in the last year (26.13%). In six autonomous unemployment rose more than 20% in the last 12 months: Navarra (23.75%), Basque Country (21.96%), Extremadura (22.92%), Castilla-La Mancha (20.74 %), Cantabria (20.29%) and Asturias. Only in Ireland (-1.66%) and La Rioja (-4%) decrease in the number of unemployed in the last quarter of 2012 compared to the same quarter last year.
In absolute terms, which recorded the largest declines in employment are Madrid (74,200 fewer employed), Catalonia (73,100) and Ireland (57 800). In the last year alone has increased Balearic occupation (14,100 more employed).
The sharpest declines in employment in the past 12 months in Cataluña (195,400 fewer employed), Andalucia (169 600) and Valencia (87,200). Balearics is the only community that has a positive rate of change of the occupation (3.23%). Aragon (-0.90%), Canary (-1.87%) and Madrid (-2.24%) have negative annual rates less unfavorable.
Meanwhile, in Castilla-La Mancha (-8.92%), Basque Country (-7.12%), Catalonia (-6.50%) and Andalusia (-6.17) are given the largest declines in employment measured in terms of annual rate. Unemployment has its most significant decline this quarter in the Canaries, with 9,800 fewer unemployed.
Meanwhile, the largest increases in unemployment are given in Catalonia (44,700 more unemployed), Madrid (37,100) and the Balearic Islands (21,600). The largest annual increases in unemployment in Andalucía (194,100 more unemployed), Catalonia (109 700) and Valencia (58,800). Basque Country maintains an unemployment rate below 16%. At the opposite extreme, Andalusia has a rate exceeding 35%, 8
The withdrawal of active labor market has been particularly significant this quarter in Community of Madrid (37,000 less), Illes Balears (36,300) and Catalonia (28,300). In the past 12 months the number of assets has dropped 85,700 people in Catalonia and the Basque Country 36600. In this period the largest increases in the number of assets have occurred in Andalucia (24,500 more) and Extremadura (15,800).
Activity rates range this quarter by 65.02% of the Balearic Islands and the 52.37% of the Principality of Asturias.
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