
スペインの財務省は、7つの自治州政府は、財政赤字削減目標を達成していないと警告、Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura, Baleares


スペインの財務省は、7つの自治州政府は、財政赤字削減目標を達成していないと警告、Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura, Baleares

Hacienda avisa a siete comunidades por incumplir sus planes contra el déficit

Andalucía, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura y Baleares no cumplen

El Ministerio advierte de que no están llevando a cabo las medidas pactadas

EFE Madrid 3 ENE 2013 - 18:08 CET

Treasury warns seven communities for breaching their plans against the deficit

Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canary and Balearic Extremadura fail

The Ministry warns that they are not carrying out agreed measures

Madrid EFE 3 ENE 2013 - 18:08 CET

The Ministry of Finance has warned on Thursday that seven communities are not meeting agreed plans to achieve the deficit target, while the rest is in line to get it, and in the Catalan case will depend on the income generated by this autonomy from the sale of assets.
This is stated in the report released today by the Treasury and Public Administaciones monitoring measures in the plans of economic and financial rebalancing of autonomy until the third quarter of 2012.
The regions in the first four months of implementation of these plans, approved last May, reduced costs of 7.243 million euros (15.241 million of planned according documetos) and increased income 1,559,000.
These reports Treasury says that "there is deviation" in Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canary and Balearic Extremadura in the "application of the measures in his plan económicofinanciero" rebalancing for 2012-2014 .
Instead, the Treasury believes may be in line to meet the deficit target (1.5% of GDP) the regions of Galicia, Asturias, Catalonia, La Rioja, Aragon, Madrid, Castile and Leon, the Basque Country and Navarra depending on the degree of implementation of its measures.
In addition, the report on Catalonia, the Ministry concluded that given the pace of implementation of its plan to meet the aim of stability depend on "the implementation of the measure of income 'asset sale and concession' generate expected revenue before year end. "
The Ministry considered last week, when he made an overall assessment of these plans, that autonomy as a whole "are on track in achieving the goal of fiscal stability."
In absolute terms, the communities that have reduced their spending, according to the measures included in their plans, are Catalonia (1,574,000), Castilla-La Mancha (1,169 million euros) and Andalusia (1,038 million). Percentage wise, more autonomy spending reductions have been implemented as agreed with the Treasury in their plans are Basque Country (83%), Aragon (73%) and Asturias (71%).
In these reports, the Ministry explained that the decrease in spending should be noted that the measures concerning adjustments in health and education-competing autonomies-run mostly in the fourth quarter.
In the revenue through the third quarter, highlighting the total increases in Catalonia (468 million euros), Andalucia (418 million euros), Canary Islands (153 million euros) and Valencia (146 million euros). In connection with the expected return on their plans, are at the head of compliance Islands (88%), Extremadura (65%), Cantabria (54%), Castilla y León (53%) and Galicia (49%).
Autonomy aim deficit for 2012 to 1.5% of GDP, a figure that is expected to meet in February, and until the third quarter of last year had a negative balance of 0.93% (1.14% if discounted advances from the central government).
Finance reiterated last week that the autonomous, globally, are on track to meet the objective of stability budgeted. The publication of these findings is that the Ministry undertook to produce a quarterly report on the implementation of the measures agreed with autonomy within the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy (CPFF).

スペインの財務省は、7つの自治州政府は、財政赤字削減目標を達成していないと警告、Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Extremadura, Baleares



マドリードEFE3 ENE 2013 - 夜06時08分CET
これらのレポートには財務省は2012年から2014年のためのリバランス "彼の計画económicofinancieroにおける措置の適用"アンダルシア、ムルシア、バレンシア、カスティーリャ·ラ·マンチャ州、カナリアス、バレアレスマドゥーラの "偏差がある"と述べている。
また、カタルーニャのレポートは、省は安定の目的を満たすために、その計画の実施のペースが与えられた "所得の措置の実施の資産売却と譲歩 'に依存すると結論が期待収益を生み出す年末の前に。 "
先週みなさ省は、彼はこれらの計画の全体的な評価をしたとき、全体として、その自律性は、 "財政の安定性の目標を達成するために軌道に乗っている。"

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