



El porcentaje de parados de larga duración alcanza el 55% del total

3.280.400 españoles llevan más de un año esperando una oportunidad de trabajar

La crisis del mercado laboral español en 10 titulares
Empleo en EL PAÍS - Monster
El País Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 10:34 CET

The percentage of long-term unemployed reached 55% of total

3280400 Spanish take over a year waiting for an opportunity to work

The Spanish labor market crisis in 10 holders
Employment in the country - Monster

The Country Madrid 24 ENE 2013 - 10:34 CET

The agony of the long-term unemployed seems endless. Of the 5,965,400 men and women active and seeking work in Spain 3280400 take more than a year waiting for an opportunity, according to the latest Labour Force Survey. A 54.99% of the total, the highest percentage since the entry into force of the present method of calculating the EPA, in 2005. In the last quarter of 2012, the number of long-term unemployed persons rose to 246,200, a 8.11% higher than three months earlier, the third highest increase of long-term unemployment in absolute terms since 2005. That leaves the increase during 2012 in 642,400 people, 24.35% more than at the end of last year.

The brutal rise in long-term unemployment, which now accounts for 14.31% of the active population, exacerbated the structural problem that causes this kind of unemployment. Apart from the pain and frustration caused by no response to the demands of employment, lack of skill on the part of those who have long been without work deteriorates their chances of getting a job in the future and increases the chances that the rate of inwhichthe stop and become structural.

The biggest increase is in the number of unemployed who have been more than two years in that position: 495,400 over last year, a 34.67% increase in late 2011. With this, the figure is 1,924,100, 32.25% of the total unemployed. Only during the last quarter of 2012, 177,900 Spanish went to take more than two years of unemployment: 10.19% more than in the previous quarter.

Of the long-term unemployed, 870,000 are younger than 30 years (26.52% of total), while 692,400 are older than 50 years (21.11% of total). There are more unemployed for more than a year of feminine male: 116 males for every 100 females, compared with the ratio of 113 men to 100 women in unemployment in general.


国の雇用 - モンスター

カントリーマドリード24 ENE 2013 - 10:34 CET
長期失業者の苦しみは無限と思われる。 5965400男性と女性スペイン3280400に積極的に求めている仕事の最新の労働力調査によると機会を待っ以上かかる全体の54.99パーセント2005年にEPAを計算する本発明の方法の発効以来、最も高い割合 2012年の最後の四半期では、長期失業者の数は3ヶ月前に比べて8.11パーセント高い246200に上昇し2005年以来、絶対的には長期失業三番目の増加となりました。これは昨年末より24.35パーセント以上642400、2012年の間に増加して残します。




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