



La factura en fármacos bajó 1.190 millones entre enero y noviembre

El cambio del copago acelera el ahorro, pero su efecto se pierde muy deprisa

Cataluña ha recaudado unos 50 millones por el euro por receta

Emilio de Benito Madrid 2 ENE 2013 - 21:48 CET

The drugs bill fell 1,190 million in January-November

The copayment change accelerates savings, but its effect is lost very quickly

Catalonia has raised 50 million euro by the prescription

Emilio de Benito Madrid 2 ENE 2013 - 21:48 CET

Of all the health variables, probably no as controlled as they pay Administrations for prescription drugs to citizens. For starters, it is a major item: 11,135,000 euros in 2011. And to follow, because it is virtually the only data that is month to month. So measures to reduce it can monitor almost immediately. And the results so far are very good for the public purse: in the first 11 months of 2012 were spent 1,190 million less than the same period of 2011.
The amount was in decline since 2010, when cuts enacted by the Socialist Government and the acceleration in the process of entry into force of maximum prices subsidized got the game fell. But it has received a major boost from July 2012. Then, the entry into force of the amendments in the copayment decided by the PP government got the game, as every month, reached hitherto unsuspected declines: a 25.45% in September 2012 compared to the same month , 2011. In euros, the saving was only 231 million that month.

The November numbers suggest that 2012 may end up with a record decline of over 10%. The political battle is knowing how much is due to measures already in force earlier this year, and how much to the amendments made to this. In general, following the evolution law before the April royal decree that made pensioners pay 10% of the drugs they take and that for most of the rest of the provision also climbed 10 points (with exceptions such as the unemployed long-term or basic income recipients do not), the distribution is to be at 4% by the above measures and 6% for the new.

morePublic spending on pharmacy dropped by 20% in AugustThe prescription copay reduces by 7% and drug spending by 6%The lower pharmaceutical spending by 24% in July to the copayment
No more data to adjust, and also the fact that there were other regional measures (euro per prescription Catalan) or national (the de-funding of more than 400 drugs) more difficult to assess the exact impact of each package . Also keep in mind that the decline is due not only to stop using drugs grabs, but now patients pay more per box.
One thing we do is observed: that the drug market is so inelastic (not due to the whim of the patients, but to their needs based on their health status) that rapidly absorbs the effect of almost all measures. The proof is that the decline of the game has gone from 25.45% in September that a 15.18% in November. That is, they have recovered more than 10 points in just two months. So far, it has not been long enough so that you can predict what's going to stay that variation, so it is impossible to predict whether it is permanent or savings this will be one day blossom.
What is clear is that communities that are bearing the bulk of that spending, have found pharmaceutical saving measures some relief for their accounts. The data also allow to obtain some idea of ​​the effect of another measure: the euro prescription implanted in Catalonia, and entered into force in late June last year. Taking the data from July to November, in Catalonia the number of prescriptions dispensed in that period was 20% lower than last year. But keep in mind that agreeing with the decision reached autonomous national copayment change, so that in the whole of Spain there was also a 14% decrease in the number of prescriptions dispensed. So, in a first calculation can be attributed to a decrease euro six points.
It is easier to calculate how much you could report back as to the Generalitat. If all recipes have now taken the surcharge has also imposed Madrid (no upper limits and exceptions), would be just over 50 million euros.




エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリード2 ENE 2013 - 午前21時48 CET

すべての健康の変数のうち、おそらくないように、彼らは市民への処方薬のための行政を支払うように制御しません。 2011年に11135000ユーロ:まず第一に、それは主要な項目である。それは事実上月の前月であるデータのみであるためと、従うこと。だからそれを軽減するための措置は、ほとんどすぐに監視することができます。その結果は、これまで公共の財布のために非常に優れている:2012年の最初の11ヶ月で、2011年の同期間に比べ1,190百万未満で費やされた。



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