JOSÉ LUIS QUINTANA, médico de familia
“No se privatiza la sanidad para ahorrar, sino por ideología”
El director de ambulatorio es uno de los impulsores de la dimisión en bloque de sanitarios de Madrid
Con la medida tratan de paralizar el plan de privatización de 27 centros de salud y seis hospitales
Lasquetty amenaza con destituir a los médicos que dimitan
Los facultativos se plantan con una dimisión masiva
Miles de manifestantes rodean la Asamblea contra el plan sanitario
María R. Sahuquillo Madrid 22 DIC 2012 - 00:00 CET
Jose Luis Quintana, GP
"No health care is privatized to save, but by ideology"
The clinic director is one of the initiators of the mass resignation of health of Madrid
With the extent of paralyzing try the privatization plan of 27 health centers and six hospitals
Lasquetty threatens to dismiss doctors resign
Practitioners are planted with a mass resignation
Thousands of protesters surround the Assembly against the health plan
Mary R. Sahuquillo Madrid 22 DIC 2012 - 00:00 CET
Jose Luis Quintana (Madrid, 1961), family physician and director of the health center of El Greco Getafe (Madrid), takes weeks of demonstrations against the plan with which the Government of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio Gonzalez headed, intended privatize the management of 27 clinics and six hospitals. A white tide of demonstrations, sit-ins and strikes that led to postpone 30,000 hits. But his efforts have not yet borne fruit. On Thursday, Madrid approved the first part of his plan, to what extent health responded with unprecedented pressure: the resignation of the management teams of 125 centers-one of them-Quintana, if privatization is effective. Professionals would lose between 200 and 300 euros per month.
Question. How many teams have joined the resignation?
Response. We continue collecting signatures. We already have about 125, almost half of the 270 firms in the community management teams. There are about 400 people including directors, nursing managers and administrative units. Then there are those responsible for other tasks performed in health centers: rational drug use, specific protocols, quality nursing care ...
P. What are you looking to measure?
R. The objective is that the Health Department understands the deep malaise and disappointment for professionals involved implementing measures for the sale of hospitals and health centers. The number of resignations is an important but which are already sensible leaders should think about where to direct the Madrid Health Service, which is for all citizens.
P. The Minister Javier Fernández-Lasquetty said if the resignations are effective professionals replace immediately.
R. Do not think it's so easy to find hundreds of people willing immediately. We have a counseling rather than managers and directors, pagers that give reason and applaud their decision. So when they are wrong, as now, critics and disqualify who disagrees. They can not expect palm, people critically needed.
P. What does the privatization of the management of 27 centers?
R. Nonsense. No one has done before. It involves breaking an accredited quality system and low cost, transfer taxes of the locals to benefit individuals or companies.
P. Will it affect patients?
R. Patients will not have to pay a euro for the assistance, but lost his doctor and nurse. Professionals chosen by them, which will then be chosen by the company that runs the center.
P. Is there willingness to negotiate on the part of the administration?
R. He has waited until the last minute leaving a minimum time frame, but we have to believe that there will covenant. I prefer to think that they want a meeting, although some statements to the contrary. Our hand will continue lying.
P. Gonzalez and Lasquetty mobilizations have disqualified.
R. That the President of the Madrid region, responsible for the operation of the institutions, saying that "the resignations are welcome", speaks against his sense of responsibility and how they understood the task of government. The counselor says optimize time admitting patients to spend only the necessary days in the hospital - as we proposed in our savings plan - puts the patient at risk explains only from ignorance and from the lack of arguments. Very sad.
P. You think you can stop the plan?
R. Of course you think you can stop the privatization plan. You can not govern against the whole world. Mobilizing continue whatever happens. The next steps depend on the scenario in which we place the counseling: tentative agreement or conflict.
P. Does Madrid is a laboratory for other regions?
R. Communities, health and rulers in Spain, look at Madrid. In the background of everything, not just the savings-because, in fact, do not think you save - it is a way of understanding the provision of healthcare. No saving is privatized, but by ideology. Healthcare should be a right and not a business opportunity.
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