スペインの国有化されたBFA-Bankia銀行は、ー104億4400万0000ユーロの損失で、134億5900'0000ユーロの資本増強の融資を受け、Banco de Valenciaはー63億4050万0000ユーロの損失で45億0000万0000, Catalunya Bancはー66億7400万0000の損失で、90億8400万0000ユーロの融資、Novagalicia Bancoはー30億9100万0000ユーロ損失で54億2500万0000ユーロの資本増強の融資、合計369億6800万0000ユーロの資本増強の融資を欧州金融安定機構:MEDE(Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad)から融資さる
La banca nacionalizada, recapitalizada y liberada de ‘activos tóxicos’
Las entidades en manos del Estado firman sus rescates y pactan el traslado de activos a Sareb
El proceso de saneamiento tenía que estar listo antes del 31 de diciembre
El País Madrid 27 DIC 2012 - 11:34 CET
The nationalized banks, recapitalized and released from 'toxic assets'
Entities under state bailouts and covenant sign their asset transfer Sareb
The healing process had to be ready before December 31
The Country Madrid 27 DIC 2012 - 11:34 CET
The process had to be ready before December 31 and so in the last week there have been agreements and commitments firms. The reorganization of the nationalized banks has met all the steps I had to follow, as agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the partners of the euro for the bank bailout. Entities called group 1, the nationalized, have been evaluated, their toxic assets have been absorbed by the state bad bank (the Sareb), and have already agreed capital injection. This last step, announced yesterday by the FROB, has resulted in individual ads this morning to the National Securities Market. In total, the four entities will receive 36.968 million euros.
- BFA-Bankia. Was transferred to the bad bank 22,317.7 million in assets. According to independent analyzes that the FROB has submitted to the entity, has a hole accounting 10,444,000 euros. This Thursday announced that it will be recapitalised with 13,459,000 euros, through titles of European Stability Mechanism (ESM), to be subscribed and paid by the FROB. This extension is also added to the 4,500 million euros of September 3 (which was actually a cash advance). Bankia issue contingent convertible bonds (called cocci) totaling 10,700 million euros, to be signed by BFA, with the ransom money.
- Banco de Valencia. Bad bank has crossed the 1,962 million euros in assets. His hole, independent experts said the FROB is 6340.5 million. The company was acquired by Caixabank. However, before moving on to his hands was planned transfer of its assets to the bad bank and recapitalization by the FROB 4,500 million euros coming from the ESM. But before approving the new balance of Banco de Valencia, reduced its capital of 1,099 euros to 55 million and its shares face value changed from 0.20 euros to 0.01 euros.
- Catalunya Banc. Transferred to the bad bank has 6.708 million euros in troubled assets. It has a negative, as the FROB, of 6,674 million euros. The FROB owns 100% of the entity. To clean it, it reduces all its capital to zero and the reduced amount is used to increase voluntary reserves. At the same time becomes a capital increase subscribed by the FROB worth 9.084 million euros.
- Novagalicia Bank. Was transferred to the bad bank 5096.9 million. The Galician entity currently has a negative value of 3,091 million, the FROB. Its operation will be done also through conversion to zero of its capital. Then the state will become the owner of 100% of its shares. And it will be injected through a capital increase subscribed by the FROB funds arrived and the ESM of EUR 5.425 million.
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