スペインのガルシア地方のFerrol市では、2012年は年間320件位の裁判での住宅ローン未払いか、家賃の滞納で立ち退き(追い出し)が発生。スペイン全国では2012年は104'426件、2011年は77'854件、2010年は93'636件、2009年は93'319件、2008年は58'686件。(refer to the airticlo Mon.17 Dec,2012 EL PAIS) search for "desahusio"
Ferrol registró una media de 6 peticiones de desahucios a la semana en 2012
Stop Desahucios se manifestará este viernes, 28 de diciembre, para reclamar "el derecho a una vivienda digna"
El País Santiago 26 DIC 2012 - 16:44 CET
Ferrol recorded an average of 6 requests evictions a week in 2012
Stop Evictions will manifest this Friday, Dec. 28, to demand "the right to decent housing"
The Country Santiago 26 DIC 2012 - 16:44 CET
Stop Evictions Ferroltera platform has claimed that in 2012 there has been an average of six requests judicial evictions a week, both in homes and in business establishments, according to Europa Press. For this reason, the organization will manifest this Friday, Dec. 28, to demand "the right to adequate housing, halted evictions and the recognition of the payment in kind".
The mobilization will start at 19.00, departing from Plaza Amada Garcia, before the administrative building of the Galician Government. The protest action is framed in a general call at Galician, but serve to highlight the specific situation in the area of Ferrol and claim the creation of a public housing stock in one of the cities with more municipal owned properties Galicia.
moreThe reserve Xunta 500 flats to rehouse evictedIn Galicia there are approximately 4,500 people homeless
In this sense, the Platform members have complained that budgeted Ferrol "only 20,000 euros for social housing adequacy when it comes to spending almost a million euros to reform Spain's Square." Likewise, also calls for the creation of a point of advice to people who may be affected by foreclosure or eviction. Ignacio Martinez, one of the members of the organization, has announced that the company will seek to work with a couple who has requested your help. This is a family of four, in which only one of its members work and have an income that does not exceed 900 euros. They endorsed a brother in the purchase of a catering establishment that "in a few years was wrong."
In this situation, the bank proceeded to the seizure of property and the house of the brother, "communicating it only by letter, they started charging them 50% of their income, about 400 euros per month." The family has already paid "€ 18,000 of the 68,000 outstanding" but "may lose her apartment as end up paying the mortgage." In this situation, the Platform members have announced they will develop various actions to try to go to the bank or to renegotiate this particular case study.
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