El PSOE lamenta que las maltratadas aún paguen tasas para divorciarse
Hasta que entre en vigor la ley de justicia gratuita tienen que pagar 300 euros
La aprobación del gran proyecto de Gallardón ha sido aplazada a 2013
El PSOE pide que se actúe de manera inmediata
Gallardón anuncia justicia gratuita para las maltratadas (28 de noviembre)
Toda la información sobre las tasas judiciales
El País Madrid 30 DIC 2012 - 15:06 CET
The PSOE regrets that battered even pay fees for divorce
Until the entry into force of the law for legal aid have to pay 300 euros
The major project approval Gallardón has been postponed to 2013
The PSOE urges action immediately
Gallardón announces legal aid for the battered (November 28)
All information on court fees
The Country Madrid 30 DIC 2012 - 15:06 CET
The Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE, Elena Valenciano, considered "very serious" that the government recognizes, as calmly, that abused women are being forced to pay taxes -300 euros, to divorce their abusers "and do nothing to prevent it. "The socialist leader recalled that the Minister of Justice said in November that victims of abuse would be exempt from paying these fees. "And therefore, he has said that we demand Gallardón keep his word."
Valenciano was reacting to statements made today by the SER Government Delegate for Gender Violence, Blanca Hernandez, recognizing that battered women have to pay court to divorce. "We are finalizing the project to ensure that all victims of violence do not pay taxes and gratuity are services with lawyers" said the popular. The entry into force of the law, one of the major projects of the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, has been postponed to 2013.
In this sense, Elena Valenciano, recalled that on November 28, the minister said in the House of Representatives that "the victims of abuse are exempt by law for legal aid, which in two weeks will approve this government."
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