スペインの国有化されたNovagalicia Bancoは、50億9619万4000ユーロの不動産などの不良債権を不良債権処理銀行;SAREB(la Sociedad de Gestion de Activos Procedentes de la Reestructuracion Ordenada Bancaria)に売却移転
NCG Banco transmite activos al banco malo por 5.096,9 millones de euros
EFE Economía Santiago de Compostela 26 DIC 2012 - 12:26 CET
NCG Banco transmits the bad bank assets by 5096.9 million
EFE Economy Santiago de Compostela 26 DIC 2012 - 12:26 CET
Novagalicia Bank signed the contract and transfer of assets of the entity to the Management Company assets from the Bank Restructuring (SAREB), known as 'bad bank', for an aggregate of 5,096,904,194 euros million euros .
The bank today reported this action in a letter to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
The contract asset transfer is effective on the date of December 31, 2012.
According to the communication sent Novagalicia bank, the price will be satisfied by issuing debt securities to be issued by SAREB, you will have the irrevocable guarantee of the Spanish state.
EFE経済サンティアゴ·デ·コンポステーラ26 DIC 2012 - 12時26分CET
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