Los sindicatos envían una carta a Rajoy con alternativas para salir de la crisis
Comisiones Obreras y UGT lamentan la "predisposición al diálogo" del Gobierno
DESCARGABLE Carta al presidente del Ejecutivo
Agencias Madrid 26 DIC 2012 - 19:35 CET
The unions sent a letter to Rajoy alternatives to overcome the crisis
CCOO and UGT lament the "willingness to dialogue" Government
DOWNLOADABLE Letter to President of the Executive
Agencies Madrid 26 DIC 2012 - 19:35 CET
The general secretaries of the CCOO and UGT, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo and Cándido Méndez, today sent a letter to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which expose their proposals to end the crisis by spreading the costs more equitably and prioritizing employment on the deficit. According to a joint statement from the unions, the letter was also addressed to the leader of the employers, Juan Rosell, and the parliamentary groups, in order to give rise to a process of dialogue with the "gravity" of the current situation.
In the letter, remember that unions have presented alternatives to face the crisis "since the first signs of it, with the aim to help cushion the consequences." So, in an attachment, CCOO and UGT argue that the Stability and Growth Pact allows combining European financial stability with higher growth potential, in the Spanish case, move towards a more sustainable production model.
The policies that have been imposed so far focus "exclusively" in the adjustment
They also call for "improving" the Spanish tax legislation implementing a tax on large fortunes, eliminating corporate tax deductions or withholdings increase in the rate of the SICAV (investment companies with variable capital). According to the unions say, policies that have been imposed so far focus "exclusively" in the setting, not only have not produced the results you were justified, but the forecasts for 2013 are greater decline in activity economical.
"Under these circumstances and in the absence of a high predisposition to social dialogue and consultation we have been obliged to promote and support social movements that are facing the prevailing political" stress. However, they add that the unions "have always been known for its willingness to negotiate and to present reasonable alternatives."
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