El 17 por ciento del agua de las redes de abastecimiento se pierde en fugas o averías
EFE Economía Madrid 30 DIC 2012 - 15:38 CET
The 17 percent of the water supply networks is lost in leaks or damage
Economy Madrid EFE 30 DIC 2012 - 15:38 CET
17.5% of the water supplied to the Spanish public supply networks for domestic, industrial or municipal use is lost through leaks, breaks or malfunctions, according to the latest report of the Spanish Observatory for Sustainability (OES).
So says the study "Sustainability in Spain 2012" which warns, with data from 2010 and earlier, a worsening, and that in 2009 16.8% wasted without water achieved in a year, an improvement in the efficiency of the distribution network.
The regions with lower efficiency on distribution networks (water volume recorded by leaks, breaks, faults, measurement errors or fraud), the report said, were Andalusia (216 hm3), Catalonia (158 hm3) and Community Valenciana (144 hm3).
By contrast, among the most efficient ACs lie La Rioja (12 hm3), Navarre (14 hm3) and Cantabria (24 hm3).
According to the report, in 2010 the amount of water supplied to the grid reached Hm3 4581, 2.7% less than the previous year, continuing a downward trend.
A quarter of the water was lost due to the inefficiency of the networks, the other three quarters were distributed for household consumption, economic sectors and for local consumption.
In terms of volume of water flowing through the networks, were at the head Andalucia (586 hm3), Catalonia (515 hm3), Madrid (440 hm3) and Valencia (364 hm3).
The report also found greater care in the use of this resource by citizens, as the average water consumption of households in Spain fell by 3.3% compared to 2009, reaching 144 l / person and day in 2010.
The regions with the highest average-consumption data for 2010, based on INE-were Cantabria (173 l / bah and day), Castile and Leon (167 l / person per day) and Extremadura (160 l / inhabitant per day) .
As for the cost of water, the observatory in this study highlights that there is "a low level of knowledge on the part of the citizens of what is consumed and paid for water services" which leads to them, in a " perception problem "of the real importance of water prices.
The report emphasizes that, despite the increase in the price of water (6.3% in 2010 compared to 2009, to 1.51 euros/m3 Spanish average rate for home use), the European Commission has insisted Spain has to include environmental costs in the price of water in line with the provisions of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), with the aim of ending the "anomaly" of being one of the countries with water stress while one of those with the lowest water rates in the EU-27.
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