



El Gobierno exige a Bolivia una indemnización justa para Iberdrola

Exteriores solicita "colaboración y franqueza" tras la nacionalización de cuatro filiales de la eléctrica

Agencias Madrid 29 DIC 2012 - 22:43 CET

Bolivia The government requires just compensation for Iberdrola

Foreign requests "collaboration and openness" after the nationalization of four subsidiaries of the electric

Agencies Madrid 29 DIC 2012 - 22:43 CET

The Spanish Government has lamented the nationalization of Bolivia's four subsidiaries of Iberdrola announced Saturday by President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and has called for a "fair" compensation for the shareholders of these companies.

"Spain mourns the Bolivian government's decision to nationalize these four companies, which have among their shareholders to Spanish companies, Argentine and U.S.," the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Thus, the government uses to express that "relations of cooperation and understanding between the two countries require information, collaboration and openness on both sides in the handling of this or any other matter of mutual interest."

In the same decree that these four companies were nationalized two electricity distributors-and two-service companies are expected to evaluate an independent third party within 180 days, the stock price of the companies nationalized and thus determine the amount to be paid by the Bolivian state to Iberdrola.

In this regard, the Government has said it expects the process "is done with high standards of objectivity that would establish the just compensation to which shareholders are entitled without unnecessary delay, as they have claimed." Spain also notes that "legal certainty is an imperative requirement of all foreign investment in Bolivia."

The Government also points out that these four companies "paid public service of electricity distribution and who had never belonged to the Bolivian state."



機関マドリード29 DIC 2012 - 22:43 CET


したがって、政府はそれを表現するために使用される "二国間の協力と理解関係が相互に関心のあるこのまたは他の物質の取り扱いにおける両側情報コラボレーションと開放性を必要とする。"


この点では、政府はプロセスが見込んでいると語っている "正当な補償の下に、彼らが主張してきたように、株主は不必要な遅滞なく享受するを確立するだろう客観性の高い基準で行われます。"スペインはまた、 "法的な確実性ボリビアにあるすべての外国投資の必須要件である"と指摘している


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