スペインの歴史最大の235億0000'0000ユーロの銀行救済となったBankia銀行の経営悪化は、社会労働党政府によって課された株式上場と、国民党政府により課された資本増強と不良債権の損失に対する準備金のせいだと、Bankia元総裁のロドリゴ=ラト(Rodrigo Rato)は証言!?。[自分の不良債権隠し(無知?)の経営責任は如何なのか?言い訳を、言い逃れをするな!なんのための総裁職なのか?]
Rodrigo Rato culpa a Zapatero y a Rajoy del deterioro económico de Bankia
El expresidente de la entidad comparece en la Audiencia Nacional
Mantiene que los beneficios declarados eran “la imagen fiel de la entidad”
El exministro es el último de los 33 imputados en declarar
Bankia, balance de un fracaso
Manuel Altozano Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 18:58 CET
Rodrigo Rato Zapatero and Rajoy blames the economic downturn of Bankia
The president of the entity appears in the High Court
Maintains that reported profits were "the true image of the institution"
The former minister is the last of the 33 defendants in state
Bankia, balance of a failure
Altozano Manuel Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 18:58 CET
The deterioration of Bankia, which led to the institution to greater bank bailout in the history of Spain (23,500 million) was due, according to its president, Rodrigo Rato, to two factors. First, the obligation imposed by the previous socialist government, led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, of its IPO. But also for recapitalization requirements and manning provisions that imposed the current Executive Mariano Rajoy (PP).
That was the gist of the statement of former Bankia, former vice president of Government Jose Maria Aznar and former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, before the National Court Judge Fernando Andreu, who is investigating the case in which Rato and 33 other executives Bankia and its parent company, Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, through the hole in the state are charged with false accounting, scheming to alter the price of things, misappropriation and unfair administration.
moreBankia, balance of a failureBankia counselors accused the auditor not to warn the gapThe Bank of Spain believed in 2011 that was two years covered BankiaRato shared diagnosis that "BPA is not viable"Bankia counselors accused the auditor not to warnCaja Madrid provided loans to customers unable to payRato said he did the right thing and that was due to lack of confidence of the Government
The former chief executive of Bankia said in court that he had not made the decision to go public if he had not been forced to do so. Rato said that to avoid this, the entity previously tried to find investors, but they asked him for rebates of up to 80%, forcing them to jump into the parquet.
A judge's questions, the former vice president of government explained how to set the starting price of the stock on that encryption process at 3.75 euros, below the minimum amount of fork wielding entity. Rato said the decision came after he received a call from JP Morgan in which he said that "the market demanded" that the price will fall below the four euros.
The subsequent collapse of the value of the shares, according Rato, had nothing to do with the situation of the institution, but another political decision. Rato also blamed this decline-which has left these assets unless a euro-to Rajoy Executive. Former President of Bankia said the pair remained until last February when the government allowed short sales, which, in his opinion, caused a loss of confidence in the institution.
Bankia presented in March 2011 in accounts which reflected 300 million profit. Only two months later, in May, these benefits became nearly 3,300 million loss. In his statement, Rato defended the first, he said, "were the true image of the state." He said further that Deloitte did not find any problems, but failed to explain why the audit did not write his report on these, according to the indictment.
He also gave details about the process that led to his dismissal. He explained how the company developed a recapitalization plan presented last April 17 that was approved by the Bank of Spain, but not by the Government, which was required to go further. In just 15 days Bankia must develop a new one that reflected a stage "stressed to the max"-with a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) to 3.8% - which picked up 9,500 million allowances. But the response of Economics was: "This is not what we expect." Nor was given no margin for modification or negotiate, understood that they had lost confidence in him and left.
Sources claimed that these interrogations Rato just went through a stressful time. It was when the judge asked about the hiring of investment bank Lazard, where he was managing director of investment banking before joining Caja Madrid to advise on Bankia IPO. Rato said that it was he who was responsible for that contract and he believes that "there was no conflict of interest."
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