El gasto medio en pensiones aumenta un 4,7% en diciembre
La pensión se sitúa en 955 euros, un 3,5% por encima respecto al mes de noviembre
Agencias Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 12:43 CET
The average expenditure on pension increases 4.7% in December
The inn is located at 955 euros, 3.5% higher compared to November
Agencies Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 12:43 CET
Spending for Social Security contributory pensions was of 7,525 million euros in December, which is 4.7% more than the same month of 2011, according to figures released today by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. The average pension amounted to 955.41 euros, 3.5% more than the same month last year. The average pension system, comprising the different types of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and family allowances), was 836.27 euros, representing an increase of 3.1%.
On December 1 the total contributory pension was 8,999,045, representing a growth of 1.5%. More than half of pensions (5,391,504) are retirement, followed by widowhood (2,331,726), the permanent disability (943,021), the orphan (294,827) and those that are in favor of relatives (37967). The average pension for widowhood was 603.87 euros (2.6%), the permanent disability of 890.96 euros (2%), the orphan 365.30 euros (1.4%) and the provision for families of 488.24 euros (3.1%).
The average pension was above the national average in seven communities: Basque Country (1183.22 euros), Asturias (1171.61), Madrid (1140.36), Navarra (1075.18), Cantabria (1,005 , 22), Aragon (984.77 euros) and Catalonia (970), as well as in the autonomous cities of Ceuta (1069.18) and Melilla (1005.67). Below stood Castilla y León (924.94), Canary (919.48), La Rioja (889.32), Castilla La Mancha (887.10), Baleares (872.46), Andalucía (871.06) , Valencia (865.66), Murcia (841.76), Extremadura (800.04) and Galicia (788.20).
In December 5661 there were new high contributory pension under the general, with an average of 1014.97 euros, and 22,161 for retirement, with an average of 1381.10 euros.
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