El déficit del Estado suma 45.910 millones hasta noviembre
El desfase se sitúa en el 4,37% del PIB
La cifra supone un descenso del 11,4% en comparación con 2011
EP Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 19:41 CET
The government deficit sum 45,910 million until November
The gap is in the 4.37% of GDP
The figure represents a decline of 11.4% compared to 2011
Madrid EP 20 DIC 2012 - 19:41 CET
The state registered a deficit of 45,910 million euros until November in terms of National Accounts 4.37% of gross domestic product (GDP), according to figures provided Thursday by Secretary of State Budgets, Marta Fernandez Currás. The figure represents a decline of 11.4% compared to the previous year, but up slightly from the October data, when the balance of the state reached 4.13% of GDP.
On a comparable basis, the deficit in the first eleven months remains in the 4.28% of GDP in cash terms, considering the income and actual payments, stood at 27.738 million, 2.64% of GDP.
The deficit through November was a result of payments stood at 143.222 million euros, down 0.7%, while revenues totaled 97.312 million euros, representing an increase of 5.3%.
Currás stressed moderation deficit on year for the first time be reduced so far this year, confirming the positive impact of the control of the government deficit.
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