
スペインのTOLEDO県のEL REAL DE SAN VINCENTE市付近の森林火災は700haくらいを全焼して安定化


スペインのTOLEDO県のEL REAL DE SAN VINCENTE市付近の森林火災は700haくらいを全焼して安定化

Los técnicos declaran estabilizado el incendio de la provincia de Toledo

El fuego, que pudo ser provocado, ha arrasado 700 hectáreas

EFE / El País Toledo 3 SEP 2012 - 13:25 CET

Technicians stabilized fire declared in the province of Toledo

The fire, which could be caused, has destroyed 700 hectares

EFE / El País Toledo 3 SEP 2012 - 13:25 CET

Technical services firefighting Board of Castilla-La Mancha have officially declared "stabilized" the fire that started on Saturday in the town of Toledo El Real de San Vicente. As reported by the regional government said in a statement, maintaining the level 1 warning and continue the work of extinguishing the fire to take it for control.
The weather conditions of the night have helped the good progress, which in many areas are to finish tasks.
At this time remain on the ground 12/2 to eight air-land and four and 80 people, all of Castilla-La Mancha, after retiring and effective means provided by the Community of Madrid.
Early estimates of the Castilla-La Mancha are that has been affected an area of ​​700 hectares, although not all at the perimeter has been razed.
On the causes, the investigation remains open and is maintained as a priority line human involvement.
The Minister of Agriculture and maximum responsible Infocam Plan, Maria Luisa Soriano, expressed his confidence in fighting equipment and highlighted the great work being done, which, he said, "is what is allowing the fire will less. "
The Minister of Agriculture, Maria Luisa Soriano went along on Sunday, the task of extinguishing the fire, both from the Regional Operative Centre (COR) of Toledo, as in the affected area.
The fire has caused several incidents, such as eviction adult camp "The Piélago", a hostel located in a spot of brown in the Sierra de San Vicente is located between the towns of Navamorcuende and El Real de San Vicente.
It has also been held liable to homebound residents of two towns in the area, Hinojosa de San Vicente and Bayuela Castle.
The flames also continue to affect traffic in both directions of the TO-1375 km 0 to 15.8, and other secondary roads, according to information from the Traffic Department.

スペインのTOLEDO県のEL REAL DE SAN VINCENTE市付近の森林火災は700haくらいを全焼して安定化



EFE /エル·パイストレド3 SEP 2012 - 13:25 CET

カスティーリャ·ラ·マンチャの技術サービスの消防委員会は、正式にトレドのエル·レアル·デ·サン·ビセンテの町で土曜日に始め火を "安定化"を宣言しています。地方政府によって報告されるようにレベル1の警告および制御のためにそれを取るために消火の仕事を続けるを維持し、声明の中で述べている。
農業と最大の責任Infocam計画大臣、マリア·ルイサソリアーノは、機器との戦いに彼の自信を表明したと、彼は言った、 "火が意志許可しているもので行われている偉大な仕事を、強調少ない。 "
火災は、立ち退きの大人のキャンプ "Piélago"などのいくつかの事件を起こしている、シエラ·デ·サン·ビセンテの茶色のスポットに位置ホステルはNavamorcuendeとエル·レアル·デ·サン·ビセンテの町の間に位置しています。

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