Las cajas perdieron 6.000 millones en el primer semestre
Las entidades realizaron dotaciones de 12.751 millones para cubrir las pérdidas en inversiones inmobiliarias
Santiago Carcar Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET
The boxes lost 6,000 million in the first half
Entities 12,751,000 endowments made to cover losses on investment property
Carcar Santiago Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET
Savings banks, which in three years has grown from 45 institutions in a dozen, lost 5.944 million euros in the first half of the year, said yesterday the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA). The red numbers were due to the poor performance of investments in the housing sector, which required endowments make some 12.751 million through June to cover the loss of value of assets. Other entities dedicated to 1.328 million in mending the tears away from non-financial assets. These figures, detailed the ECSC, which multiplied by five to six times those dedicated to the same purpose in the same period of 2011.
"Since the industry began its restructuring process" Confederation said in a statement "the banks sector has made a provision of 80,000 million euros." On June 30, the number of offices of groups stood at 19,485 cases, 18.5% fewer than in 2008 and 107,033 employees, 16.4% less.
The sector has grown from 45 institutions in 2009-12
Results to June show the devastating effects of the bursting of the housing bubble that stifle the efforts of institutions to fit the situation. According to the ECSC, the efficiency ratio of the groups of boxes has improved ten percentage points in the last year and operating profit by 13.4%. The required offset negative sanitation has improved net interest income (18.1%), improvement in revenue (up 6.1%) and the fall, minimum (-0.2%) in financial costs . With lower staff costs (down 6.55) administration (-15%) and depreciation (-12.1%), the operating margin also improved in the period: it grew by 13.4% to 5344 million.
A cloud has a face. After accounting for the poor performance semi ECSC optimistic phrase ends its communication of results: "The increased size, increased efficiency and the change in its cooperative model allow the sector to face the final phase of the restructuring process approval opened MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the Government of Spain and the Eurogroup. "
Carcarサンティアゴマドリッド28 SEP 2012 - 18:18 CET
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