諮問会社のオリバー·ワイマン(OLIVER WYMAN)によるスペインの金融システムの銀行のストレステストの結果によると、BANKINTERは、余剰資金が3億9300万0000ユーロで合格
Bankinter supera el examen con un colchón de 399 millones
La entidad recuerda que cuenta con unas plusvalías implícitas, excluidas del análisis, de 1.300 millones
J. S. G. Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 19:33 CET
Bankinter examination exceeds 399 million mattress
The bank notes that have implicit capital gains excluded from the analysis, 1,300 million
J. S. G. Madrid 28 SEP 2012 - 19:33 CET
Bankinter has been one of the entities that have no additional capital needs following the Oliver Wyman exhaustive analysis of the Spanish financial system. Bankinter has a capital surplus of 399 million euros in the adverse scenario, considered unlikely by the pessimism of economic variables covered. In the baseline scenario, the excess capital would amount to 393 million euros.
The entity has expressed his "satisfaction" have passed the assessment test to Spanish banks conducted by Oliver Wyman, according to the relevant fact sent by the institution to the National Securities Market. The paper stresses that remains "intact" in significant capital gains balance implied, not taken into account in the review of Oliver Wyman, which would enable it to increase by more than 1,300 million euros of its own resources with those who would put their ratio capital in the adverse scenario above 12%, the bank said to CNMV.
Specifically, the entity that the evaluation would have a capital surplus of 399 million euros in the adverse scenario. In this pessimistic scenario the entity would have a capital ratio of 7.4%, up from 6% minimum set by supervisors to consider an entity does not need capital. Bankinter states that the capital ratio would be 9.5% now after the swap of preferred shares in July.
Bankinter also states that "has a strong balance sheet" with a 3.91% delinquency, representing just over a third of sectoral delinquency rate is around 10%. Also, remember to have adequate coverage provisions amounting to 51%.
The recalled entity that owns 100% of the insurance company Direct Line Insurance and 50% of Bankinter Life Insurance, and also has other assets of great value as the service trust and custody of securities or online broker, and all buildings it owns and which has not yet conducted any sale or lease back an out.
It also stresses that its distribution strategy, supported by technology and knowledge and not necessarily in physical proximity, resulting in a net "very light", of 366 traditional branches, representing only 1% of the total system against the bank's market share in terms of total assets, which is higher than 2%, so no "excess capacity or term of office or in number of employees."
It also stresses that the bank's profitability "is sustainable and shows a clear upward trend," with a margin before provisions, ie showing that the absorption capacity of impairment losses on loans, which grew by 55% in the last twelve months.
This growth is due to both an increase in revenues (+ 21.4%) as a major effort to contain costs, that group grow at just 0.6% YoY, but show a significant reduction 4% in banking that is where efforts have focused austerity plan, bringing the ratio of banking efficiency to 42.7%, an improvement of 11.9 percentage points.
So, Bankinter is pleased to have demonstrated in this complex and adverse period "an important solvency not only in terms of capital but, above all, high asset quality, the result of a rigorous and prudent management of their risks."
The bank points out that, despite the assessment "as satisfying" of their capitalization levels, maintain "a close watch on the evolution of the different variables and analyzed by Oliver Wyman ratios and, where appropriate, adopt measures reinforcing are estimated.
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