スペインの携帯電話会社のTELEFONIAや、ORANGEは、APPLE、GOOGLE(3億0000'0000ユーロ)、FACEBOOK、TWITTER などの総額10億0000'0000ユーロに昇る合法的"脱税"を批判、
Orange, contra el limbo legal y fiscal de las compañías de Internet
El consejero delegado dice que Apple y Google están dejando al resto de fabricantes al borde de la desaparición
Ramón Muñoz Santander 5 SEP 2012 - 13:26 CET
Orange, against legal and fiscal limbo Internet companies
The CEO said that Apple and Google are letting the other vendors on the verge of disappearance
Ramón Muñoz Santander 5 SEP 2012 - 13:26 CET
Orange has joined Telefónica in its battle for the Internet services companies are subject to regulation and, above all, pay taxes like any other business. The French operator understands that called over the top (TTO) as Google, Facebook or Twitter live in legal limbo and tax situations allows "near monopoly" and take advantage over the other players in the sector such as telecommunications operators.
"The TTOs enjoy a privileged position that upsets the market. They are not subjected to the same rules, the same rules of competition, or the same tax burden that European operators and other industry players. This means that, sometimes can reach almost monopolistic situations, growing by developing closed environments, not compatible. addition, enjoy organizational structures that allow them to pay virtually no tax in most countries which generate revenue, "said Jean Marc Vignolles, CEO of Orange Spain, in his speech at the meeting of Telecommunications UIMP Santander, organized by Ametic.
Vignolles indicated that this situation is not fair or beneficial to the industry and to society as a whole, because these service providers and Internet content are "clear winners", the more value you have captured in recent years growth sector, and the need to eliminate these imbalances and move towards a more equitable situation for all. "We do not ask you to pay an extraordinary revolutionary or simply that it is subject to standard taxation," said the manager. Thus, it joins Telefónica demand, whose CEO, Julio Linares, in this forum, also demanded a regulation for ISPs.
Also in line with Telefónica, Orange estimates that Apple and Google are cannibalizing the equipment market, leaving the rest of the manufacturers in the ruin or the verge of disappearance. "A growing market, with close to 6,000 million handsets in the world, is becoming polarized around two players: Apple (and its closed operating system IOS) and Samsung. Both have almost 100% of the benefits of this subsector, which means, in fact, that most of the rest of the manufacturers are in losses. Samsung is behind the Google Android operating system. Curiously, Google has chosen to enter the terminal market, not only through the software, but even buying a manufacturer like Motorola. It seems that the boundaries between TTOs and terminal manufacturers are blurring, "said Vignolles.
Regarding the controversy of subsidies to the terminal, the manager said French aid levels in the Spanish market in 2011 reached "unsustainable levels", much higher than in any other comparable European country and therefore required a downward adjustment, but defended its existence. "Complete elimination of the subsidy to the terminal would have a damaging effect on the development of the market that long-term harm to the operators," he said.
To Vignolles, the model is not exhausted because most customers today are still interested in the most advanced access terminals at attractive prices, and supports the improvement of investment capacity. In his view, to reduce business costs, there are way more efficient than the complete elimination of subsidies. I mean for example the abolition of portability cancellation process, who have already applied to the regulator.
Orange has also asked operators to invest in new fiber optic network enjoy discounts on wholesale prices for renting the Telefónica network in places where no facilities-based access. But Vignolles clarified that he must ensure controlled access to the network of Telefónica as with ADSL, never to return to a monopoly situation.
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