スペインのガルシア地方のSANTIAGO市の労働組合員CUT(Central Unitaria de Traballadores)は、不法移民の公共医療保険制度からの排除に反対して、公共診療所を抗議のために占拠
Ocupado un ambulatorio contra el “Decreto de la Segregación Sanitaria”
Los sindicalistas de la CUT permanecerán esta noche encerrados en este centro de Santiago
Raúl Ríos Santiago 3 SEP 2012 - 14:02 CET
An outpatient Busy against "Segregation Health Act"
The members of CUT tonight remain locked in the center of Santiago
Raul Rios Santiago 3 SEP 2012 - 14:02 CET
When racism and xenophobia are a fact, civil disobedience and rebelliousness are right. " With this motto read the manifesto was closed this morning by the union of the Confederation of Traballadores (CUT) that were housed at the Medical Center of Santiago Concepcion Arenal. The objective of this peaceful occupation, which will run throughout the day and also during this night, is to demonstrate the "xenophobic exclusion of the immigrant" in public health by government decree that will take your health care to undocumented immigrants or, as the organizers call it, the decree of the "segregation" Health.
According to sources in the CUT, at the end of this morning a National Police patrol traveled to the clinic and identified three union, after they left the room, so there seems to be at risk of eviction.
In Galicia, after announcing the advancement of the regional elections on 21 October, the President announced that if Feijóo to keep health care for immigrants without regularization. The decision was to be embodied in a decree to be published in the DOG on Friday, but did not, and it is expected that the text is published this week in the DOG. All that is known is that illegal immigrants will have to prove to the Department their enumeration, and their lack of resources in Galicia and in their home country, counting with a period of only six months. Immigrants would have to use a different card than other patients to see a doctor.
moreThe government eliminated 910,342 health cardsGalicia will serve paperless
In the text released by the CUT, the union nationalist Instruction blemish the Ministry of health of "insufficient and discretionary" and being an ad "electioneering", to be made right after the election call, "postponing the problem" until it passes on 21 October, setting a deadline of six months "clearly insufficient."
The CUT organized activities throughout the day in Concepción Arenal Medical Center to present the "decretazo" health and Feijóo instruction. At 20.00 there is a concentration called the ambulance doors to the slogan "Racism is a fact, a right insubordination".
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