欧州中央銀行の総裁のマリオ=どらぎ(Mario Draghi)氏は、欧州議会の経済員会で、欧州中央銀行が短期の3年以内の国債を購入する事は、欧州中央銀行が政府の財政支援を禁止されている事には抵触しないと抗弁
Draghi defiende la legalidad de la compra de bonos de países con problemas
El presidente del BCE ve posible la adquisición de deuda con vencimientos de hasta tres años
"Comprar bonos inmaduros, de corta duración, no contradice el mandato que tiene el BCE", dice
EFE Bruselas 3 SEP 2012 - 19:01 CET
Draghi defends legality of buying bonds of troubled countries
ECB President sees potential acquisition debt with maturities of up to three years
"Buy bonds immature, short-term, does not contradict the mandate that has the ECB," says
EFE Brussels 3 SEP 2012 - 19:01 CET
The president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, argued today before the Economic Affairs Committee of the European Parliament legality of buying bonds with short maturities of up to three years. ECB President appeared in camera, at the approach of the decision of the Governing Council of the monetary institution on Thursday, although MEPs explained some details of his speech in the courtroom.
moreThe ECB looks set objective criteria to buy bondsDraghi defends the need for "extraordinary measures" to the debt crisisFinancial aid for Spain faces the ECB and the Bundesbank
According to the Spanish Socialist MEP Enrique Guerrero and Conservative MEPs Markus Ferber German and Italian Mario Mauro, Draghi defended the purchase of bonds in the secondary market for up to three years, despite pressure from some ministers and the Bundesbank (bank German central). "Buy bonds immature, short duration of one or two years, does not contradict the mandate that has the ECB, but instead, if you buy long-term bonds in the primary market and then enter into monetary financing which is in contradiction with its mandate ", which prohibits funding to States, Guerrero said.
According to Mauro, Draghi defended, as it did on August 2 as other times insisted that the purchase of bonds in the secondary market is subject to "strict conditionality" that is, the request of countries and intervention the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), the main difference between the purchase of bonds and advocated Draghi held at the time of Jean-Claude Trichet.
European Monitoring Sector
Moreover, the journalists said Ferber, Draghi ruled on the ECB's role as sole banking supervisor and the division of tasks between Frankfurt and national supervisors. Draghi was in favor of delegating not depending on the magnitude, but of "the activity, the sector" in the supervised entity acting. Asked about the Greek situation, Draghi was limited to defending the permanence of the country in the eurozone, parliamentary sources said.
ECB President reflected on the fact that "Europe is a fragmented situation in the sense that there is smooth flow of liquidity within the EU countries and the interbank market is blocked, causing problems in countries most in need of funding, "said Guerrero. MEP Ramon Tremosa (CiU), meanwhile, told reporters that his conclusion after Draghi intervention was "that of someone with a serious illness that leaves the physician quiet because it has the feeling of being in good hands."
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