




Las incógnitas rodean el euro

Las próximas semanas serán decisivas para la supervivencia y el futuro de la moneda única

El País 2 SEP 2012 - 00:07 CET


The unknowns surrounding the euro

The coming weeks will be crucial for the survival and future of the single currency

The Country 2 SEP 2012 - 00:07 CET

August tranquility in financial markets does not mean that the uncertainties hanging over the future of the Eurozone in early summer are gone. They have enjoyed just that sort of balm that the president's remarks amounted European Central Bank (ECB) indicating their willingness to take such measures as were necessary to ensure "the irreversibility of the euro". The vagueness has hardly fallen since. A claim to articulate a new procedure designed to intervene in the secondary markets for government debt, upon formal request of the Governments concerned, an answer has emerged in countries with economies less vulnerable to crisis. The most important, of course, is from Germany. But the Finnish authorities, for example, have also expressed their reluctance not only to transactions already taken financial support to some countries, but have admitted considering a scenario of exit from the eurozone.
The fragmentation is no longer just about a possible exit of Greece, an issue that has been taken into account in areas very close to the German government, but determined by an economy like Finland, whose government fears any additional financial support or pooling Eurozone debt that could undermine public its current financial position and expected sustainability of its pension system. The need to support with public resources economies like Italian or Spanish opens scenarios that do not have clear support in some eurozone governments.
The mystery of how to articulate the sort of "rescue children" newly minted, add others of no less significance for the future of the single currency. The troika will announce its position on Greece, and in any case, it will also have to specify the stages leading to the horizon of improving the dynamics of integration within the Eurozone, consisting of the fiscal union, union bank or political union itself. Meanwhile, the German Constitutional Court announced on September 12 its decision on the creation of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to replace the current European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF). That one has already been approved by the German Parliament in no way removes the uncertainty.
The particularity of the unknowns in our country is located on the circumstances surrounding the request for support or rescue most likely end up asking the Government. The precariousness of the prices of government bonds issued by the Spanish Treasury, its still too high, requires direct or indirect interventions of the ECB in those markets. If this requires that the government is forced to admit the need for external support, will have to. A different matter must be the conditions imposed by the European authorities and the ability of the Spanish authorities to enforce the adjustment efforts already made its excessive concentration and time. The Spanish economy can not withstand more contractionary actions that mortgage growth recovery.




2 SEP 2012 - 午後12時07分CET
金融市場での8月の静けさが初夏にユーロ圏の将来にぶら下がっている不確実性がなくなっていることを意味しません。彼らは、大統領の発言は、 "ユーロの不可逆性"を確保するのに必要であったような措置を取る意欲を示す欧州中央銀行(ECB)を達したことバームのちょうどその種を楽しんできました。曖昧さはほとんど落ちていないので。関係政府の正式な要請に応じ、政府債務のための二次市場に介入するように設計された新しい手順を明確にする主張は、答えが危機に脆弱経済国に浮上している。最も重要なのは、もちろん、ドイツからです。しかし、フィンランド当局は、例えば、また、既にいくつかの国への財政支援を取ら取引のみならず、彼らの難色を示してきたが、ユーロ圏からの出口のシナリオを検討して認めている。
新しく鋳造 "レスキュー子供"のようなものを明確にする方法の謎は、単一通貨の未来のために劣らず重要性の他を追加します。トロイカは、ギリシャでの地位を発表すると、どのような場合に、それはまた、年度組合、組合銀行で構成される、ユーロ圏の中で統合の動態を改善する地平線に至る段階を指定する必要がありますまたは政治同盟自体。一方、ドイツ憲法裁判所は9月12日現在の欧州金融安定基金(EFSF)を交換するための欧州安定メカニズム(ESM)の創設に関する決定を発表した。 1が既にない方法でドイツ議会によって承認されたことは、不確実性を取り除きます。

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