スペインの経済大臣のルイス=デ=ぎんど(Luis de Guindos)氏は、欧州中央銀行は、必要に応じてスペインやイタリアの国債(債務)を購入するだろうと確信
Guindos asegura que el BCE conoce los problemas y “actuará en consecuencia”
El ministro de Economía recuerda el compromiso de Draghi de comprar deuda "si es necesario"
El titular económico cree que "los que más tienen, deben dar ejemplo" y ser solidarios
El País Madrid 3 SEP 2012 - 10:24 CET
Guindos said that the ECB knows the issues and "act accordingly"
Economy Minister Draghi recalls the commitment of buying debt "if necessary"
The economic owner believes "the haves, should lead by example" and show solidarity
The Country Madrid 3 SEP 2012 - 10:24 CET
The Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, said this morning that the European Central Bank (ECB) "knows what the problems of the euro and will act accordingly." With the premium above 550 points, Guindos recalled the words of Mario Draghi, President of the issuing bank, in late July, when he said he would intervene in the secondary bond market if necessary.
The head of Economy emphasized the importance of solidarity in the current situation and said that "those who are in a more privileged have to lead by example." "Solidarity is essential and begins with those who have more," said the minister, adding that the government "is considering" the salaries of top executives of companies, and stressed that "it would have to cut."
The economy minister has said in an interview with Onda Cero that the Government's main priority is still to reach the deficit target of 6.3% of GDP at the end of the year. The minister acknowledged that the known data on Friday, which indicated that the deficit through July reached 4.62% in central government (for which the limit set for this year is 4.5%), "not good ".
Guindos justified the increase in VAT which came into force last Saturday, September 1, and that "contribute to an increase in revenue" and sent a message to the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. "You have to do homework that did not last year," and a commitment to reduce the deficit is "ratified by the measures taken in mid-July," he said.
The forecasts of employment "are being met." The National Statistics Institute published employment data tomorrow August month said is "traditionally negative", but said that the fall will be less than previous years Augusts.
Spanish banks still awaiting the first tranche of European financial aid, amounting to 30,000 million euros, but will not arrive until late October or early November. "It's all absolutely defined and deadlines," he underlined. Pending credit of Brussels, the capital injected in Bankia FROB because of the delicate situation of the institution. Guindos explained that today we will know when to apply this measure.
Guindos also referred to ransom requested by Catalonia, involving conditions although Artur Mas had asked liquidity without tradeoffs. "They must fulfill the commitment of 1.5% of the deficit, but the difficulties will continue in the future," said.
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