スペインのBARCELONA県のVILAFRANCA DE PENEDES街のスーパーで住宅ローン不払い立ち退き(追い出し)被害者の会PHA
(la Plataforma de Afectadosnpor las Hipotecas)の 活動家20人余りが240'00ユーロ相当の食糧品をお金を払わないで逃げる(万引き? 窃盗?);在金のない信用札を使用
Activistas de la PAH asaltan un 'super' en Vilafranca del Penedès
Una veintena de personas se llevan dos carros de la compra con alimentos por valor de 240 euros
Rebeca Carranco Barcelona 3 SEP 2012 - 17:25 CET
PAH activists assault a 'super' in Vilafranca
A dozen people carrying two shopping carts with food valued at 240 euros
Rebeca Carranco Barcelona 3 SEP 2012 - 17:25 CET
Some twenty people of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) of Alt Penedès have loaded two shopping carts with food at the supermarket DIA Vilafranca (Barcelona) and I have been unpaid. It happened after two in the afternoon. Upon reaching the box setting, a woman has started to move buy products. When it's time to pay, handed a card with no funds, but the food and were on the other side of the box, and his twenty companions were taking them, according to sources from the Mossos d'Esquadra.
For this reason, the supermarket has called the Catalan police. Group of people managed to gain food without any altercation, according to the same sources. PAH itself has sent a statement claiming the assault, which emulates that supported the deputy and mayor of Marinaleda (Sevilla), Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, in Ecija (Seville) and Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz) on 7 August.
Catalan Police reported the woman for a lack of theft, the incident has not gone farther. The PAH justified in its statement that several families need food. "It depletes the help of his family, denied aid, lost unemployment, have no income that would ensure proper feeding of their sons and daughters, not a correct diet," picks up the statement.
The Platform also criticizes helps banks and welfare cuts. "Having extreme situation faced by some families of the Alt Penedès PAH have decided to support and participate in the actions that these families make to ensure the livelihood and food," they say.
A spokesman for the supermarket chain DIA, told Efe, lamented the situation by passing people dying and has said his company does "what can be" part of their social responsibility.
In Merida, several people tried to rob a supermarket on 24 August, also emulating Sánchez Gordillo. IU deputy in the Assembly of Extremadura Victor Hull was among a group of assailants. Police confiscated food after leaving the place.
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