




España después de España S.A.

El patrón de la crisis, que pagamos los ciudadanos, se repite: un conjunto de agentes económicos se endeuda al límite, maximiza beneficios y lo que después se demuestre inviable ya será un problema político

Emilio Trigueros 31 DIC 2012 - 00:02 CET

The fourth page

Spain after Spain S.A.

The pattern of the crisis, we pay citizens, is repeated: a set of operators into debt to the limit, which maximizes benefits and then prove unworkable and will be a political problem

Emilio Trigueros 31 DIC 2012 - 00:02 CET

I'll do the necessary reforms whatever it costs me. I'll do whatever I have to do if it's the opposite of what I said. In times of crisis we must cut, is what we must do. " Since May 2010, we have been attending 30 months, between stunned, outraged and disgusted, to a continuous thread of statements of the heads of the country, with driver a clear message: there is no choice. The hammering of solemn declarations possibilists cut us subliminally the right to think and understand, to discuss substantive answers to fundamental questions. If it was a process as unsustainable baskets how money flowed to the boomeconómico? To cover what holes will now destined bailout money?
The money bubble was for years a sort of manna that financial globalization seemed to have put their complacency in Spain. Looking at a globe and imagine global stock of money, find two groups: first countries accumulate wealth and on the other, countries accumulate debt. The former have a trade balance repatriated profits and surplus, and generate savings that wish to maintain inverted across the balance, are countries that want to spend more than they have savings and loans with recourse to the former. To give an idea, in 2008, the peak of the economic cycle, generating savings countries accumulated a surplus of over 1,000,000 million (15 times more than a decade earlier) of those savings, about one-third was oil countries, one third to China and third to Germany and Japan. They supplied money to the global economy, which led, in round figures, 80% of new debt in the U.S., and 20% for new debt in peripheral Europe now called. In 2008 alone, for example, Spain increased its overall net debt, sum of private and public, at 150,000 million.

Why nobody did anything it was certain that the mortgage risk twice that of comparable countries?
To move the billions of rapidly growing global savings into new debts, and maintain full sap flow of economic transactions, international banking fired its weight in the world economy, its turnover and its ability to attract high-wage skulls privileged to new formulas conjugasen with risk aversion of investors and the lust for wealth funded. The effervescence of the international financial system created a whole system of connected bubbles: any bank sought to capture the largest possible debt (liabilities) and give the most credit possible (active) to grow in size. Downstream of the banks, a generation of business leaders are accustomed to find easy financing any project, a generation of politicians became accustomed to the economy and did not consist in the management of scarce resources, but perpetually growing. There were times when the mayor of a large Spanish city could boast that in four years would undertake works that his predecessors had not done in 20, in which, according to recent statements of president of a large construction company, experienced a collective madness exciting the Spanish business world.
How could it get so brutal sobrefinanciarse of the Spanish economy, if our membership of the euro set a limit on the public debt, which met Administrations? The big money is always formulas. Started, for example, privatizing public debt investments: a construction Munia finance a public good (highways, hospitals) concessions in exchange for an annual fee, so that the debt was transferred to the balance of the operator (you get the benefit, while transferring the risk: if overruns or lower than expected revenues, the government budget runs up the canon ou grant new revenue). The view is also how the mistakes of private management in the banking sector should be borne by society. On another note, overcapacity in sectors like electricity, deregulated, result in higher utility rates. A pattern is repeated: a set of operators into debt to the limit, maximizing profits at the top of the cycle, and it is proved that while it was not feasible, then it will be a political problem.
The roots of the mortgage boom and crash are well documented. Spanish banks financed only with the base of customer deposits 20% of the mortgages granted (in France and Germany, 80% of mortgages are financed on deposits). The remaining 80% of Spanish mortgages external funding, 30% corresponded to a standard that transfers the risk to foreign investors, and the remaining 50%, however, was wholesale funding (less than 20% in any other major country in the euro ). Wholesale funding is rotating, and senior sobrecolateralizada, namely loans are to be repaid in installments and renew a few years, the bank sobreavalar require the best of its assets the loan, and have priority over any funder collection. Thus, holders of wholesale funding, in case of problems, the Spanish bank had "caught" when it comes, for example, the end of a five-year loan (with which the Spanish bank has financed mortgages of 30 years) If the entity can not repay principal, the creditor is entitled to keep the best of its loan portfolio, which would leave more difficulties to face the rest of their funders, bondholders or shareholders, who flee in terror. "Markets are closed".

Healthy democratic mechanisms have failed to do counterbalance the economic power
What is happening in Spain for 30 months can be described as a chain of formulas to keep the banking system with artificial breathing bridge loans from the ECB, while black men loan lending discussed the situation of each entity and negotiates at what pace and socialize losses reprivatize healthy fragments. With temporary loans, the ECB put a cordon sanitaire to holes of Spanish banks that do not affect the international system chain: Spanish banks are canceling foreign wholesale advance loan with money from the ECB, and are indebted to this , emerged as the de facto director of the Spanish financial system.
Why nobody did anything, whether it should be evident at certain levels that the risk doubled or tripled the mortgage comparable countries? According to the current governor, the Bank of Spain suggested measures to curb credit growth, but the banking lobby flatly rejected them, arguing that it would put at a disadvantage against international competitors. One can imagine the reasons for bank managers to overflow any limit risk: everyone did, the results were stratospheric and so easy to capture foreign money, if you ever came wrongly made that day ... the problem was no longer the entity would be the country.
Ordinary citizen is left with the feeling that they have missed a political and democratic mechanisms that make healthy counterbalance the economic power. A country may be at least two ways: as a single business area, Spain, SA to understand, with decision centers on taxes and identifiable, and as a society that shares the values ​​and walks along a common path. We are paying crudely sedation of this second Spain, in the years when the new money distorted the notion of merit and blurred the habit of publicly explain our options. Not all decisions can be reduced to economic expediency, as manipulable, much less after the evidence of how what generated our short-term prosperity was destroying long. "What to do" is to speak of right and wrong, of what happened and should not ever happen again, that which builds a better society and decisions about responsibility and accountability to citizens, and what is not. The massive bank bailout could have marked the downfall of some arrogant liberalism celtibérico: if devoted, however, the discrediting of public life, his biggest battle will be won.
Emilio is Trigueros specialist industrial chemical and energy markets.




エミリオトリゲロス31 DIC 2012 - 午前0時02分CET
私はそれが私にかかりどんな必要な改革をやる。私はそれは私が言ったことの反対の場合に行う必要があるものは何でもやる。我々はカットする必要があり、危機の時代には、我々がしなければならないものです。 " 2010年5月以来、私たちはドライバーで、国の長の文の連続的なスレッドに、唖然と憤慨し、うんざりする間に、30ヶ月の明確なメッセージに出席されています:選択の余地はありません。厳粛な宣言possibilistsの打撃は基本的な質問への実質的な答えを議論するために、無意識に考えると理解する権利を私達を切った。それはお金がboomeconómicoに流す方法持続不可能なバスケットなどのプロセスであった場合はどうなりますか?今救済資金を運命づけられたあるものの穴をカバーするには?
マネーバブルは、金融のグローバル化がスペインで自分の自己満足を入れているように見えたことを何年もマナのようなものだった。地球儀を見て、お金の世界の株式を想像して、二つのグループを見つける:最初の国が富を蓄積すると、他に、国が債務を蓄積する。前者は貿易収支送還利益と剰余金を有しており、バランスを越え反転維持したい貯蓄を生成し、それらは前者に頼ると貯蓄貸付組合を持っているよりも多くを費やすしたい国です。貯蓄国が約3分の1は、これらの貯蓄の(以前の十年よりも15倍以上)百万1,000,000以上の黒字を計上した累積発生、2008年には、景気循環のピークをアイデアを与えるために産油国、中国への第三ドイツと日本への第三1。彼らは概数、米国で新たな債務の80%、そして今呼ば周辺欧州における新たな債務の20%において、主導のグローバル経済に資金を供給した。 2008年だけでは、例えば、スペインは、150,000百万円で、民間と公共の和は、その全体的な純債務を増加させた。

住宅ローンのブームや、クラッシュのルーツは、十分に実証されています。スペインの銀行は顧客預金のベースのみで(フランスとドイツでは、住宅ローンの80%が預金に資金調達している)が付与住宅ローンの20%を融資した。スペインの住宅ローン外部資金の残りの80%、30%が外国人投資家にリスクを移転標準、残りの50%に相当したが、ホールセール資金(他の主要国では20%未満であったユーロ)。卸売資金が回転しており、シニアsobrecolateralizada、すなわちローンは分割払いで返済されるべきであり、数年の更新、銀行sobreavalarは、その資産、ローンのベストを必要とし、任意の資金提供者のコレクションよりも優先されます。それが来るとき、したがって、ホールセール資金の保有者は、問題が起きた場合には、スペインの銀行が5年ローン(スペインの銀行は、30年の住宅ローンを融資していると)の終わりには、例えば、 "キャッチ"していたエンティティは元本返済ができない場合は、債権者は恐れをなして逃げる彼らの資金提供者、社債権者や株主の残りの部分に直面する多くの困難を、離れるだろう、そのローン·ポートフォリオの最高を維持する権利を有する。 "市場が閉じている"。

一般市民は、彼らが健全な経済力を相殺するような政治的かつ民主的な仕組みを見逃しているような感覚が残っている。税及び識別の決定センターとは、単一のビジネスエリア、スペイン、SAとして理解し、共通のパスに沿った価値観や散歩を共有し、社会として:国は、少なくとも2つの方法かもしれません。私たちは、新しいお金がメリットの概念を歪め、公我々のオプションを説明する習慣をぼかしたときに年間で、この第二のスペインのぞんざい鎮静を払っている。すべての決定はどのように生成されたものを私たちの短期的繁栄が長く破壊していた証拠の後にはるかに少ない経済的便宜、操作可能なように削減することができません。 "何をするには、"何が起こったのか、善悪の話をすることであり、二度と起こるべきではありません、国民に対する責任と説明責任については、より良い社会と決定を構築していること、およびたものではありません。大規模な銀行救済は、いくつかの傲慢な自由主義celtibéricoの没落をマークしたかもしれません:献身的な場合は、しかし、公的生活の不信は、彼の最大の戦いは勝ったことになります。

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