
スペインの公正取引委員会;CNC:(la Comision Nacional de la Competencia)は、携帯電話会社に合計1億1900万0000ユーロの罰金を課す。Movistarは4449万0000ユーロ、Vodafoneは4352万5000ユーロ、Orangeは2995万0000ユーロ。借用回線携帯電話会社:OMV:(Operadores Moviles Virtuales)のSymio, Pepephone, Lebara, Jazztel Movil, Masmovil,etcに電話回線を貸し出しするSMS:mensaje de texto, MMS:mensaje Multimedia の貸し出し料金を不当に高く設定し、消費者に高い割高な料金を押し付けたから


スペインの公正取引委員会;CNC:(la Comision Nacional de la Competencia)は、携帯電話会社に合計1億1900万0000ユーロの罰金を課す。Movistarは4449万0000ユーロ、Vodafoneは4352万5000ユーロ、Orangeは2995万0000ユーロ。借用回線携帯電話会社:OMV:(Operadores Moviles Virtuales)のSymio, Pepephone, Lebara, Jazztel Movil, Masmovil,etcに電話回線を貸し出しするSMS:mensaje de texto, MMS:mensaje Multimedia の貸し出し料金を不当に高く設定し、消費者に高い割高な料金を押し付けたから

Competencia impone una multa de 119 millones a Movistar, Vodafone y Orange

La CNC les acusa de fijar precios mayoristas excesivos de los SMS.

Se trata de la segunda mayor sanción impuesta por este organismo

Ramón Muñoz Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 13:35 CET

Competition imposes a fine of 119 million Movistar, Vodafone and Orange

The CNC accused of excessive wholesale pricing of SMS.

It is the second largest penalty imposed by the agency

Ramón Muñoz Madrid 20 DIC 2012 - 13:35 CET

The National Competition Commission (CNC) has imposed a fine of 119 million euros to Movistar (44.49 million), Vodafone (43,525,000) and Orange (29.950 million) for abuse of dominant position by charging excessive prices in the wholesale service that give mobile virtual operators (MVNO), we have the network, for sending and receiving text messages (SMS) and multimedia messages (MMS) at the national level.
It is the second largest fine imposed by the CNC after it imposed in 2009 to a group of insurers. (Asefa, Mapfre, Caser, Scor, Munich Re and Swis Re) of 120 million euros. The three operators have confirmed that they will appeal the sanction.
The penalty results from the case opened the three operators in January 2011 for a very serious offense by applying predatory pricing in the "origination and termination of SMS messages and MMS" (with multimedia) nationwide.
Each time a client without network operator (Symio, Pepephone, Lebara Mobile Jazztel, MÁSmovil, etc.) sends an SMS or MMS, operators that provide the network (Movistar, Vodafone and Orange) will charge a price cause that message. And the same thing happens every time one of these customers of MVNOs receives a message on his phone.
Wholesale services are message origination interconnection services that mobile operators with their own network to provide mobile virtual network operators that provide services to the host operator. Thus, the OMV receive short messages generated by the clients terminal in the access network of the host operator. Meanwhile, the wholesale termination service short message service interconnection is offered that allows mobile operators terminating short message directed to your customers and originated in the networks of other operators.
According to the Research of CNC, Movistar, Vodafone and Orange hold a monopoly on the services of short message termination on its own network. And unlike what happens with the wholesale services of voice call termination, whose price is regulated and has fallen nearly 70% in ten years, the respective services markets wholesale SMS termination provided by each of these operators , and were not covered in the reporting period (2000-2009), only 5% have fallen ..
According to the CNC, it has allowed the three mobile network operators set prices freely terminating short message throughout the period considered very elevados.Esos levels have caused excessive wholesale prices turn virtual operators could not lower the final prices they charge their customers by SMS. "Since termination is a cost that is passed on to retail prices, excessive termination rates have allowed retail prices hold short messages to pay for higher users," says the agency.
Add to this that these three operators, the Investigations Division of the CNC attributed a collective dominant position, have developed a pricing policy on access and origination services consistent with the termination markets: the high origination wholesale prices have helped sustain high retail prices, paid by the client, the SMS and generate higher barriers to entry and expansion to MVNOs.

スペインの公正取引委員会;CNC:(la Comision Nacional de la Competencia)は、携帯電話会社に合計1億1900万0000ユーロの罰金を課す。Movistarは4449万0000ユーロ、Vodafoneは4352万5000ユーロ、Orangeは2995万0000ユーロ。借用回線携帯電話会社:OMV:(Operadores Moviles Virtuales)のSymio, Pepephone, Lebara, Jazztel Movil, Masmovil,etcに電話回線を貸し出しするSMS:mensaje de texto, MMS:mensaje Multimedia の貸し出し料金を不当に高く設定し、消費者に高い割高な料金を押し付けたから



ラモン·ムニョスマドリード20 DIC 2012 - 13:35 CET
それは保険会社のグループに2009年に課された後、CNCによって課された二番目に大きな問題はありません。 (Asefa、MAPFRE、ケーサー、SCOR、ミュンヘン再保険とSWIS再)120万ユーロ。 3事業者は、彼らが制裁をアピールすることを確認しました。
ケースからペナルティの結果は、全国(マルチメディア付き) "SMSメッセージおよびMMSの発信と終端"で略奪的価格設定を適用することにより、非常に深刻な犯罪のために2011年1月に3つの演算子をオープンしました。
CNCによると、それは3つのモバイルネットワーク事業者が自由にvery elevados.Esosレベルが過剰に卸売物価は仮想オペレータを回す引き起こしたと考え期間を通じて短いmessageを終了価格を設定することができました彼らはSMSによって彼らの顧客に請求し最終的な価格を下げることができませんでした。 "終端が小売価格に転嫁されるコストであるため、過度の通話料金は、小売価格が高いユーザーのために支払うために短いメッセージを保持できました、"代理店は言う。

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