スペインのCaja Espanya+Caja Duero=Banco Ceiss銀行は、6億0400万0000ユーロの資本注入を受ける代わりに、規模を2017年までに30%に減少し、2年間で265の支店の閉鎖と1500人の従業員の解雇を余儀なくされる。
CEISS tiene dos años para cerrar 265 oficinas y despedir 1.500 personas
EFE Economía León 20 DIC 2012 - 15:46 CET
CEISS has two years to close 265 offices and lay off 1,500 people
Economy EFE Leon 20 DIC 2012 - 15:46 CET
CEISS Bank, created by Caja Duero Spain, will have a term of two years to close 265 offices and reduce its workforce by 1,500 people, according to the Plan of Recapitalization of the financial institution, approved today by the European Commission.
This plan, published as a significant event for the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), will receive a capital injection of 604 million euros, all within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding being Spain and the Euro in July 2012 (MoU) and in accordance with the provisions of the Act of November 14, 2012, restructuring and settlement of credit institutions.
Under this plan, the Bank will focus its activities in its province (Castilla y León, Extremadura and Madrid) and focus its business segments and SMEs.
The Bank will transfer the Asset Management Company of the Bank Restructuring Coming (Sareb) assets that determines the law, allowing you to significantly reduce your exposure to property development activities, according to the CNMV.
The entity must carry out the divestiture ordered in its corporate investment portfolio and to reduce the size of its balance sheet by 30% until the end of 2017.
The same plan was subject to approval yesterday by the Executive Committee of the Bank of Spain at the request of the Governing Committee of the FROB.
Capitalization measures approved pass through the transfer of assets to the Sareb, by injection by the FROB additional capital amounting to 604 million Euros, and the exchange of outstanding hybrid instruments (preference shares) and subordinate (obligations perpetual subordinated and subordinated debentures maturing) for shares of the Bank.
The latter measure reflects the condition, explicitly formulated by the EU authorities, that holders of hybrid instruments and subordinated assist in the capitalization of the Bank in order to reduce their cost to taxpayers.
Holders of subordinated debentures maturing may choose to exchange them for shares of the Bank or a senior debt product.
The final calculation will be made after the economic valuation of the Bank, which will soon be made independent valuers to be known, predictably, during the month of February 2013.
The Bank will also be affected by restrictions on the payment of dividends established to safeguard its solvency.
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