RTVE スペイン国営ラジオ·テレビ放送は、2013年に5000万0000ユーロの予算削減
RTVE afrontará un recorte adicional de 50 millones de euros en 2013
Echenique dice que seguirán las corridas de toros y dice que la información retrasada sobre la manifestación independentista de la Diada no fue más que un error
Carmen Morán Madrid 25 SEP 2012 - 15:02 CET
RTVE will face an additional cut of 50 million euros in 2013
Echenique said bullfights continue and says the delayed information on the independence demonstration of National Day was just a mistake
Carmen Morán Madrid 25 SEP 2012 - 15:02 CET
The president of RTVE, Leopoldo Gonzalez-Echenique, acknowledged today that there will be a further cut of 50 million euros in the corporation for 2013, adding to the 204 already this year were subtracted. "We do our best to accommodate these cuts, but a balanced budget will be achieved by the end of 2013," he said. But he admits that this year will be: "A liner as this does not move in a few days."
morePurge on public televisionCNN tab Ana PastorThe demonstration of National Day, the fifth story in the newscast of 1TVE veto lifts and jumps into the ringThe counter of RTVE
Echenique, in his first appearance in Congress, has refused to be cut with the Spanish Football Federation. "We have to rationalize, we can not continue to pay what we were paying so far, agreed in 2007."
Regarding the poor economic situation of the corporation, Echenique has justified the decision to change the collective agreement of RTVE in the "dysfunctions" detected between "work and remuneration received". The corporation announced yesterday that it has decided to terminate the collective agreement RTVE to "adapt to the new labor law" and "ensure fiscal stability and promoting competitiveness." Echenique said that "there is no attempt to layoffs, that is not the priority, but a more flexible schedule for workers. There must be a greater correlation between the work of professionals and performance. " Wages also mentioned among the rationalization measures, a reduction of 25% between managers and presenters, among other things. Regarding efficiency, has set an example: "This summer there were no people in Valladolid to disconnections and yes there were in other provinces."
"This is going to end up in an ERE," he ventured Entesa Senator, Jordi Guillot, "and Julio Somoano [news director] end TVE in government service and a fall of the audience," he added. Echenique has rejected these "speculations".
"How will you cope RTVE budget year?" Asked Juan Luis Gordo (PSOE). "For the preliminary draft budget and budget variance is around 70 million euros, 50 million less over those that count. What content contracts will waive emblematic series Love in Difficult Times, Red Eagle, tell me?. What room are with sports rights? ". Echenique answered:" We will not give up the symbolic contents, we premiered Isabel. Opted for the domestic production and bet on Love in the time, the backbone of our grill at Later, "a series that, however, and exhausts its final chapters.
Echenique also mentioned changes in the territorial structure, where coverages are provided only for public radio and television. However, he noted that there are two reference sites, Sant Cugat, Catalonia, and the center of the Canaries, with which plans to continue counting.
Deputy Plural Left (IU) has accused Ricardo Echenique Sixto to "purge" among workers in the house, a word "ideologically charged" that Echenique has flatly rejected. Sixto recalled being hired as commentators relatives of members of the Government, as the wife of the Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert. "Neither there nor has there been any purge, Ana Pastor left voluntarily after otherwise be offered; Pepa White had already left voluntarily and also the same with Susana Roza, among others."
The Dyad, retransmission of bullfights and the new space on the Royal Family have occupied the rest of the hearing. Continue broadcasting bullfights, "naturally, because they are prohibited or are classified as protected content" for children, Echenique said. "There are violent to people," he assured. "Unless the bull caught the torero" Guillot has answered.
On the news, in the 20th minute of the newscast, the independence demonstration in Catalonia, Echenique said it was a mistake on the apology within 24 hours. "But we can not do, we can not get away from our fallible nature." She added that establish "controls for the rule of truth in news" in response to the deputy of CiU, Montserrat Surroca. "The information was thorough and correct, journalists work completely independently, the data was flawless. All information, unless that opened with the demonstration and the next day, too. "
Regarding the new space dedicated to the Casa Real, Echenique has asked the deputy UPyD, Irene Lozano, if they think give informational content or just communicate the agenda of the head of state. Do you also still be there if Urdangarín?, Asked. Echenique has responded that it will be in the news. "Therefore, just communicate, not report", has given the deputy confirmed.
Minority parties have questioned whether interviewing more leaders think that the party in government and the PSOE. A Rep. Lozano's response "is our will" not been convinced by "vague". "These groups represent the 40%," he said. "This is the debacle of bipartisanship," he asserted. However, minutes before, in his appearance, RTVE president reiterated his commitment to "collect all the plural and democratic voices." For the opposition, however, these early talk of "manipulation and bias."
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