¿Por qué lo pregunta? Todo es secreto
El proyecto de Ley de Transparencia nace con trampa: la posibilidad del silencio por respuesta
Las Administraciones no informan de cómo gastan el dinero de todos
Imposible saber cuántas violaciones
María Fabra Castellón 23 SEP 2012 - 00:20 CET
Why you ask? Everything is secret
The draft Law on Transparency born with trap: the possibility of silence for an answer
Administrations do not report how they spend the money of all
Impossible to know how many violations
Fabra Maria Castellon 23 SEP 2012 - 00:20 CET
Members who do not have official car available annually for a card you can pay up to 3,000 euros in taxis. Parliamentarians have no accountability for such transfers and it is not known if any of the money back. Although no one knows the exact amount earmarked for this purpose are known to exist for a game like this because in the regulation of the deputies. The Bureau of the Congress refuses to disclose the relationship and the cost of official travel of parliamentarians who pays the House and running on account of public money, taxes, citizens.
The Constitution marks the right of the Spanish to information, but the administrations are, in too many cases, very reluctant to provide it. Invoking other laws or simple "that fact I have not", it is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to know how to spend the taxpayers' money. The Government has introduced a bill requiring transparency institutions publishing contracts, subsidies, grants, annual programs and organization, among other things. But the inclusion of negative silence as a way to respond to any requests for information without further clarify their motivation, left to the will of the authorities and the rulers many secrets cease to be. Here are some examples.
The web tuderechoasaber, which collects information requests of citizens, much was hanging unanswered Mariano Rajoy's trip to the European Championship in Poland the day after the announcement of the bailout.
Deputies have $ 3,000 a year for taxis that do not warrant
It is not known how much it cost audit commissioned by the Galician Government to endorse the merger of the Galician boxes: a report that promised benefits to the merged box from the first year, although the resulting bank has received 6,000 million of public money and their future is in the air.
In Valencia, the Bureau of the Parliament has vetoed a question about public contracts with a company that, according Esquerra Unida, manages the "close friend even shared family interests" of a counselor.
In New York you may know the statistics of each surgeon. Here is unthinkable access success rates of physicians working in public health. In Catalonia, for example, only eight of the nearly 80 public hospitals are directly managed by the health department of the Generalitat. The rest do foundations, public entities or companies that do not offer data remuneration of its directors, consulting contracts or suppliers.
more60 organizations denounce the shortcomings of the Transparency Law
The Administration also conceals data, being administrative documents should be made public, according to the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations, which states that "all citizens" have the right to access the records and documents in administrative files. " Still not known Treasury debt with football clubs, which only contributed the overall figure, or what communities and municipalities have benefited from certain claims, for example, the Official Credit Institute. In Spain you can not know who are the largest debtors with Social Security, nor provide an update on how much has entered since launched the latest tax amnesty, which itself is contained in the reports of the tax collection . No way in revealing who and what amounts have presented these "special remarks".
The cars each ministry officials, pundits salaries or remuneration of star presenters of public television also seem to be top secret. The heritage building of large public entities is not inventoried.
The cost of travel to the match of Euro Rajoy is a mystery
Since the shielding of all foreign documents, can not be known, for example, Spain's relations with China, Japan and the Philippines between 1975 and 1982, and the efforts to support Spanish companies for the construction of the AVE to Mecca or their cost.
A remarkable blunder took place in Galicia. A legal report endorsed a legalization plan of 4,200 homes, mostly outlawed by the courts. When asked President Alberto Nunez Feijoo (PP), for this report, responded by announcing the request for another report to know if he could show the first. The result was never known. For now, it remains "secret". In Andalusia, ruled by PSOE and IU, it is impossible to know the rate of absenteeism of public workers.
In the Basque country, to meet contracts, budgets and technical reports he might have prevented the mismanagement of public resources invested in the Balenciaga Museum, happened to be budgeted at under five million to cost about 20. In Castilla-La Mancha, a contractor has revealed that the contract termination agreement Hospital of Toledo, whose work has been paralyzed, have confidentiality clauses.
"The ordinary citizen can not have access to how it is spent and how public money," asked a few weeks ago the trial judge Urdangarin to a senior official of the Generalitat Valenciana. "No," I answered, because, well, some contracts that management firm or business entities (Formula 1 Valencia, 20 million euros, for example) contain confidentiality clauses. With the launch Transparency Act could have been avoided, or at least uncovered earlier, hiring multiple Valencian Administration with the plot Gürtel.
The discrediting of the political class is something that occupies concerned citizens and politicians. Transparency should increase confidence in its management.
Impossible to know how many violations
The Home Office does not escape the opacity. Unlike. It offers, for example, official figures of those killed by ETA, appealing to the Data Protection Act, although usually it is the Ministry who identify victims of the attacks. The global list is also "secret".
If anyone wants to know how many violations have occurred in Spain, or how many embezzlement, theft or bank fraud or in jewelry stores and tobacconists, also may not, because the crime statistical yearbook does not offer that information in a disaggregated. In the U.S., for example, these data are so public that the property provides a map showing the crimes committed in each quarter for the home buyer to know the crime rate is recorded in his new district.
The Home Office hides also the number of identifications year ago, both immigrants and Spanish. The Trade Union of Police (SUP) has reported that about 10 million people each year are identified by police "hunting" of any citizen, mainly young (because they can carry hashish) or foreign (which may reside illegally in Spain) for score a "big stick" in the statistical requirement to ensure that they are pressured.
It is also high cost of certain secret police deployments should stay up, since they are paid with public money, everyone. Two months later and only after a formal question of a senator, it was learned that the safety device mounted to the May meeting of the Council of the European Central Bank in Barcelona surpassed one million euros.
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