




Las claves de la ley para liquidar bancos inviables

La reforma financiera que el Gobierno debe aprobar antes de finales de agosto tiene como objetivo actuar ante la banca débil

El País Madrid 24 AGO 2012 - 00:05 CET


The keys of the law to liquidate unviable banks

The financial reform that the Government must approve before the end of August aims to act weak banking

The Country Madrid 24 AGO 2012 - 00:05 CET

The new financial reform that the Government must approve before the end of August, if you want to meet the requirement of Brussels, provides that the bank bailout fund (FROB) liquidate financial institutions deemed unfeasible and the possibility that the Bank of Spain urgently intervene even those that do not require public support, but have elements of risk.
"Early intervention. This will be possible in the entities, even if they meet the requirements of solvency or liquidity, and could go ahead without public aid, provide "objective evidence" under which "reasonably foreseeable" that it can not continue to meet the demands of management and Discipline. The Bank of Spain will require action plans, debt restructuring, may recapitalize (with aid to return in two years) and may cease to managers, among other measures.
"Restructuring. In this phase is taking the reins FROB, to the Bank of Spain. When an entity presents weaknesses that can not overcome on their own, there will be another restructuring. An entity shall present a plan within three months the Bank of Spain, although it will require a favorable report from the FROB. May also take any of the measures referred to in early intervention plan. Financial support may be arranged with the granting of guarantees, the realization of credits or loans, acquisition of assets or liabilities or other instruments such as capital contributions and other convertibles. The conversion or divestment of securities convertible into shares shall be made within five years, extendable to two more. Entities may also recapitalize by injecting public debt of European rescue fund or FROB.
"Orderly resolution. They proceed to the orderly resolution of the entity when it "is not feasible or is reasonably likely to be so in the near future" as well when considering the viability plan is inadequate or "breach by the entity within execution or the measures laid down in the plan, "among other things. The managers of the entity will be relieved and, within two months of their appointment as administrator, the FROB will prepare a resolution plan for the entity or opt to open insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy or insolvency old). There will be an assessment of the entity's assets will be transferred to a bridge bank to sell you and others presumably toxic loans, foreclosed or not cash them at risk of an entity-go asset management to maximize the sale price. It requires the approval of shareholders.
»More capital. Spanish banks will have to raise before the end of the year its solvency level of 8% to 9%, a percentage that until now only requires five major banks (Banco Santander, BBVA, Banco Popular, La Caixa and BFA- Bankia). Must meet the new requirements by January 1, 2013, on pain of having to submit to the Bank of Spain a strategy and timetable to reach 9% by 30 June 2013.
"Losses to shareholders and creditors. The draft fulfills the mandate of trying to endorse costs broken institutions to private investors and ultimately taxpayers. "The shareholders, equity holders or members, as applicable, of the entities will be the first to bear losses," says the text. And "subordinated creditors bear the entities if any, losses from restructuring or resolution after shareholders". The European Commission estimates that "exact figures" about possible losses that will have to take the holders of preference shares will not be known "until late September or October," according to European sources.
"Losses for administrators. The draft brings the spirit of the Bankruptcy Act (which regulates the bankruptcy proceedings) and states that "under the provisions of commercial law and criminal bear corresponding losses based on their responsibility in the situation of entities "as they pray in the draft royal decree. If the acts or omissions of a manager seeking cause insolvency of the institution, shall be deemed guilty and answer a quiz with their heritage.




2012 AGOカントリーマドリード24日 - 午前0時05分CET
"早期介入。これは、彼らがソルベンシーまたは流動性の要件を満たす場合であっても、実体で可能となり、公共の助けを借りずに先に行くことができ、それは管理の要求を満たすために続けることができないことを "合理的に予見可能な"の下に "客観的証拠"を提供し、規律。スペインの銀行は、行動計画、債務再編、資本増強があります(2年で返す援助付)、その他の対策の中で、マネージャーにやめるかもしれませんが必要になります。
"秩序ある解決。彼らは、それは "現実的ではありませんか、または近い将来にそうなるように合理的に可能性がある"生存能力計画は内のエンティティによって不十分であるか、または "違反である考慮するときだけでなく、ときにエンティティの秩序ある解決に進むとりわけ実行や計画に定められた措置を、 "。エンティティのマネージャーは緩和されると、管理者としての任命の2ヶ月以内に、FROBは破産手続きを(破産または支払不能古い)を開くには、エンティティまたはoptの解決プランをご用意しております。企業の資産の評価抵当流れまたは売却価格を最大化するためにエンティティ行く資産運用のリスクでそれらを現金ではなく、あなたや他の人におそらく有毒債権を売却するために、ブリッジバンクに転送されますが存在します。これは、株主総会の承認を必要とします。
株主や債権者に "損失。草案では、民間投資家、最終的には納税者にコスト壊れた機関を支持しようとしているの任務を果たしています。 "株主、株主またはエンティティのように適用されるメンバーは、損失を負担する初めてとなる、"テキストは言います。と "劣後債権者は実体があれば、株主総会後のリストラや解像度の損失を負担する。"欧州委員会は、欧州の情報源によると "9月下旬または10月までは、"優先株式の保有者を取る必要があります損失の可能性について、 "正確な数字"が知られていないと推定している。
管理者のための "損失。草案では、破産法の精神(破産手続を規定している)および状態をもたらす "という実体の状況で自分たちの責任に基づいて、商法および刑事クマ対応する損失の規定による"彼らはドラフト勅令で祈るように。機関の破綻原因を求めるマネージャーの行為または不作為が、罪を犯したとみなされ、その遺産とクイズに答えなければならない場合。

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