



Hacienda considera “entretenimiento” las actividades culturales

El ministerio justifica así la subida del IVA que entra en vigor mañana

El sector envía una carta al ministro de Educación y Cultura pidiendo que replique

DESCARGABLE Carta al ministro José Ignacio Wert
El País Madrid 31 AGO 2012 - 14:25 CET

Treasury considers "entertainment" cultural activities

The ministry justifies the increase in VAT which comes into force tomorrow

The industry sent a letter to the Minister of Education and Culture asked to replicate

DOWNLOADABLE Letter to Minister Jose Ignacio Wert

The Country Madrid 31 AGO 2012 - 14:25 CET

The statements yesterday by a spokesman for Finance in justifying the imminent rise in value added tax (VAT) from 8% to 21% in many cultural activities to consider "entertainment" have sparked the ire of the culture industry. The ivazo, which comes into force tomorrow, September 1, will be felt in the price of tickets to cinemas, theaters, bullfights, circuses, concerts and exhibitions.
The Union of Business Associations of Spanish Cultural Industry has sent a letter [read here in PDF] to the Minister of Education and Culture, José Ignacio Wert, which asks for your protection and to replicate the "outrageous" statements of Finance.
"The cultural sectors affected demand the Ministry responsible for the defense of Spanish culture and its industries, a good mirror to that statement, that, not to enter other names, undermine the common sense of civilized thought separate us and offend those who feel concerned with the intellectual, creative and artistic country, "reads the letter.

The letter warns that the cultural industries sector will not remain inert
On behalf of "more than 4,000 companies," the letter warns that the sector of cultural industries "will not remain inert at this grave attack on the right." "It is unanimous across the cultural sector indignation and outrage at the actions of a government that seems to make clear their views on creation, art and culture industry."
The president of the State Federation of Business Associations of Theatre and Dance (FAETEDA), Daniel Martinez Obregon, signing the attached letter addressed to the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, José Ignacio Wert, representing the rest of associations dedicated the development of cinema, art, music and other artistic productions.
This insures that the VAT hike will cause the loss of over 4,000 jobs, closing 20% ​​of cultural enterprises and a drop in attendance at these activities more than 40 million viewers.





2012 AGOカントリーマドリード31 - 14:25 CET
値の差し迫った上昇を正当化するファイナンスのためのスポークスマンの声明昨日は "エンターテインメント"を考慮する8%から多くの文化活​​動の21%に税(VAT)を加え、文化産業の怒りに火をつけました。明日施行ivazo、9月1日には、映画館、劇場、闘牛、サーカス、コンサートや展覧会のチケットの価格に感じられるだろう。
スペインの文化産業のビジネス連盟は手紙[PDFでここに読む]教育文化大臣、財務の "法外な"文をレプリケートするために、あなたの保護を要求し、ホセ·イグナシオ·ワート、次のアドレスに送信されました。
"影響を受けた文化的セクターは、他の名前を入力しないように、文明化された思考の常識を弱体化させるスペインの文化とその産業の防衛を担当省は、そのステートメントに良いミラーは、私たちを分離要求や知的、創造的、芸術の国に関心感じる人を怒らせる、 "手紙を読む。

に代わって、 "4,000人以上の企業は、"手紙は文化産業のセクターは "右のこの重大な攻撃で不活性のままではないだろう"と警告している"それは創造や芸術、文化産業に関する見解を明らかにしなければならないと思われる政府の行動における文化部門の憤りと怒りを越え全会一致です。"

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