



Castilla y León recuperará el impuesto de sucesiones

El presidente Juan Vicente Herrera (PP) anuncia la revisión de algunos tributos en el presupuesto autonómico de 2013

EFE Madrid 24 SEP 2012 - 10:05 CET

Castile and León recover inheritance tax

President Juan Vicente Herrera (PP) announces the revision of some taxes in the 2013 regional budget

Madrid EFE 24 SEP 2012 - 10:05 CET

Castile and León recover the inheritance and gift tax, abolished in 2007 for transmission from parents to children and between spouses, announced today the president of the regional government Juan Vicente Herrera.

Board President explained, in an interview on Onda Cero, which in the 2013 regional budget "tax measures will" both "maintenance of some of the taxes that have greater social impact" and to check "some decisions that have been taken in respect of other taxes for some years "as" for example ", the inheritance and gift.

Regarding health penny, the president acknowledged that harms citizens but noted that "no turning back" by the regional government.

As for nuclear power Garoña, Herrera has criticized Nuclenor, owner, and has stated that "the pulses between groups or economic interests and Administrations are given or not given, but who are unable to pay the workers."

"I can understand that when a determination is made, it could determine absolutely the future and therefore cause the immediate closure of the plant, and their owners Nuclenor not inform us, nor sit nor suffering and it just do on a whim," he expressed the president, who he was "hopeful" about the future of it.



マドリードEFE24 SEP 2012 - 10:05 CET


取締役社長は恩田CERO2013年地方予算における"税措置意志"と "大きな社会的影響を及ぼす税の一部保守"の両方を点検するために "いくつかの決定のインタビューで説明それは"例えば"として "何年も前から他の税金に関して相続と贈与とられている。

健康ペニーについては、社長がその市民を認めたが、指摘した地方政府による "後戻りできないこと"


彼は "私は、決定がなされたときにそれは絶対に将来を決定し、そのため植物の即時閉鎖を引き起こす可能性があることを理解することができ、それらの所有者は私達を知らせ、また座ったり、苦しみ、それだけで気まぐれでないNuclenor"彼はそれの将来について"希望に満ちた"だった社長は表明した。

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