

Trece muertos en dos ataques con misiles de aviones espía de EE.UU. en Pakistán

La región de Waziristán del Norte se ha convertido en un refugio para miembros de Al Qaeda  |  En los últimos dos meses los ataques con misiles han aumentado considerablemente
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08/11/2010 | Actualizada a las 06:52h | Internacional
Thirteen killed in two missile attacks by U.S. drones Pakistan
The region of North Waziristan has become a refuge for members of Al Qaeda | In the last two months the rocket attacks have increased significantlyDecrease font fuenteAumentarWill print-mail08/11/2010 | Updated at 06:52 pm | International
Islamabad. (EFE) .- At least 13 people died in two rocket attacks realziados by several U.S. drone in the Pakistani tribal region North Waziristan, bordering Afghanistan, reported the private channel Geo.
The first attack carried out yesterday against a vehicle by several spy planes in Saidgi area on the border with Afghanistan killed nine suspected insurgents, according to unnamed local sources quoted by "Geo."
Another similar attack carried out yesterday, but also against a vehicle in the Corn Belt, killed four people and left several injured. In North Waziristan members seeking refuge international terrorist network Al Qaeda and other insurgent groups both Afghan and Pakistani.
The covert program of missile attacks from U.S. drones in Pakistani territory began in 2004, but the frequency of these actions increased in 2008 and this year, especially in the last two months has increased dramatically.
Washington is pressing the Pakistani Army in the district to initiate a similar operation against the Taliban which launched just over a year in the neighboring region of South Waziristan.
But the Pakistani military command is reluctant for the moment and claims that it is engaged in many offensive and homework assistance to those affected by flooding.

米国の無人偵察機、2つのミサイル攻撃で,13人の人間が死亡  パキスタン
ロケット弾攻撃が大幅に増加している最後の2ヶ月で|北ワジリスタンの領域は、アルカイダのメンバーのための避難所となっているフォントfuenteAumentarを下げるウィル印刷メール2010年8月11日| 6:52 pmに更新|国際
イスラマバード。 (EFE通信).-少なくとも13人が、アフガニスタン国境を接するパキスタンの部族地域北ワジリスタンのいくつかの米国の無人ことにより、2つのロケット弾攻撃のrealziadosで死亡ジオプライベートチャネルを報告した。

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