
New leaks on Iraq The founder of Wikileaks: "We hope to correct some attacks on the truth" U.S. soldiers kept records of all civilian deaths

Nuevas filtraciones sobre Irak

El fundador de Wikileaks: "Tenemos la esperanza de corregir algunos ataques a la verdad"

Los soldados estadounidenses llevaban un registro de todas las muertes de civiles

WALTER OPPENHEIMER - Londres - 23/10/2010

New leaks on Iraq The founder of Wikileaks: "We hope to correct some attacks on the truth" U.S. soldiers kept records of all civilian deaths
WALTER OPPENHEIMER - London - 23/10/2010
Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks page has defended this morning in London the publication of some 400,000 secret documents so far on the Iraq war. This second mass release of secret files provides access "to the intimate detail of this war from the perspective of the United States" and allowed her to know that at least 15,000 civilians died more than previously thought.
Assange has appeared before the press with Professor John Sloboda, the organization Iraq Body Count, which keeps records of all documented deaths in the Iraq war and other activists and human rights defenders. Assange recalled that "truth is always the first casualty of war." "But the attacks on the truth begin long before the war and continue during and after the war is over. With our publication of some 400,000 documents on the war in Iraq, with the intimate detail of this war from the perspective of states together, we hope to correct some of these attacks on the truth that occur before and during the war and have continued long after the war officially ended, "he said.
"This material is documented the deaths of some 109,000 people, including among them 66,000 civilians. Working with the Iraq Body Count have concluded that there are about 15,000 deaths so far not been documented or known, of civilians who have died violently in Iraq. This tremendous scale should not become blind to the small scale is also in this material, "proclaimed the founder and director of Wikileaks.
"We promised to our sources, which sometimes have run enormous risks to get this material-that will do justice trying to get the highest possible political impact, although I'm not sure that we have reached the maximum, I think we're very close," added between melancholy and satisfied.
Professor John Sloboda said that the deaths of these 15,000 people now unveiled through these documents, "not the product of large bombs, but small incidents that have killed one or two people each and have been going almost every day throughout the period of the war. " "This is premeditated murder, shooting at random from vehicles, executions, killings at checkpoints. These are small but incessant tragedies of this war that these documents reveal with unprecedented detail," he added.
"Now we are able to ensure that in total have been killed over 150,000 people since 2003, of which about 80% were civilians," Sloboda said. "The media had reported many of these deaths, including 35 that occurred on a given day in Baghdad. But these documents show that these deaths occurred in 27 different locations and also reveal the details and circumstances of each incident and in many cases the identity of the victims, "he said. "Day by day and secretly, the U.S. soldiers in Iraq have been writing reports on violent deaths that have resulted, they have witnessed or have obtained information. Dates, times, exact location in which they occurred, names, ages, occupations of the victims ... Everything is recorded in these files. It's great that in this information, but it is bad and has no justification that have been kept secret for so long, "complained Representative Iraq Body Count. Keys to understanding documents
For now, the more accurate tracking of the leaked documents from the Department of Defense U.S. can do in the digital editions of The Guardian and The New York Times, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Al Jazeera and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism . To understand the complicated military terminology of the reports, the latter institution includes a glossary.

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