
the abandonment of the sahara Occidental


El abandono del Sáhara



The abandonment of the Sahara


He knows well the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, international politics a country like ours is a difficult mix between principles and interests, including moral references that force and cynicism that puts its own advantages. Find the necessary harmony is a very arduous task, which is further complicated when some reckoned affected geographies-Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, the Sahara, where the position is adopted also create serious implications for domestic politics. The abandonment of the Sahara and the Saharawi, who was made after the Declaration of November 14, 1975, and in stoppage time of the general (ISIM) Franco lay dying in hospital La Paz, continues to feed a poor public awareness, charged consequences in view are 35 years later. So we placed a very special way. It is an undeniable legacy that affects us all. The Government and the opposition now, and before morning, and citizenship in the meantime.

In any case, the intelligence of a past that weighs so much on this, can provide important clarifications. Take, for example, a journalist chronicling good friend of mine signed at number 27 of the weekly Possible for the 17-23 July 1975. It was dated in Laayoune, the territory's capital, in which Parador special envoys stayed news, including the young Arturo Perez Reverte. Thus began, "Kissinger said" the Sahara to Morocco 'and there was light. " The Chronicle has consistently dealt with how the Spanish position in favor of an independent Sahara had faded. It stressed that, taking inspirations high officers, began to advocate a "flexible negotiating" with Morocco. See in this connection the article by Torcuato Luca de Tena in the newspaper ABC and the publisher of the newspaper Ya, Catholic Publishing, Out of the Sahara.

We had to put it bluntly, rather it was then that a Moroccan Sahara was the interest of the United States, but the way they proceeded broke the duties and interests of Spain. It was embarrassing diplomatic passivity Franco, unable to get American support for the historic claim to Gibraltar and folded with all docility to dicktat of Washington, which was of characters of audacity.

In Madrid concerned, especially a hot situation in the Sahara pay a sense of frustration in the expeditionary army stationed there. A history of the Portuguese Armed Forces Movement (MFA)-so new and so close, illustrating the internal consequences that could arise from a conflict with colonial profiles, after the long silence imposed by the declaration of "reserved matters", began to reach the Spanish public.

In 1958, to avoid explanations United Nations, the regime decided to declare the Sahara and Ifni Spanish provinces, but under the table at the UN ambassadors report to the Committee on Decolonization on both territories.

There was a General Assembly resolution favorable to self-determination, which was also voted by the Spanish representation. Had to organize a referendum, which was delayed foolishly. López Bravo, Foreign Minister cubileteo thought that a disagreement over the claims of Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania would reach an independent state under the military and diplomatic security in Spain, according to a formula in the manner of Puerto Rico. But the result was to arouse the opposition of the countries of the Maghreb and other Arab countries. Thus we come to the quoted statement of 14 November, by which the then Government unilaterally terminated the powers exercised as administering power.

Now we must make clear what we play. For an independent state over a territory of 250,000 square kilometers with a population from the 73,000 former residents now stands at less than 300,000 equivalent to creating a void suitable to the adventures of Al Qaeda.

It also calculated that, while far from Mohamed VI Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, the alternative is a fundamentalist regime in Iran fashion to 14 miles off our shores. Know well that we want a strong and competitive Morocco is anchored in European values, and there must be our stimuli. The Government must explain and PP should know that not all uses for the convent.

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