スペインの元バレンシア州の元大統領、Bancajaの元頭取、Banco de Valenciaの元頭取、Bankia銀行の元副頭取のホセ=ルイス=オリバ(Jose Luis Olivas)は、Bancajaは、BFA_Bankiaと合併するようにスペイン国立銀行から圧力(脅迫?)を掛けられたと証言。
Los imputados en el 'caso Bankia'
Olivas declara que el Banco de España le amenazó con intervenir Bancaja
El expresidente de Generalitat valenciana afirma que se forzó la fusión con Caja Madrid
Manuel Altozano Madrid 19 DIC 2012 - 18:24 CET
Defendants in the 'case Bankia'
Olivas said that the Bank of Spain threatened to intervene Bancaja
Former President of Generalitat Valenciana claims a forced merger with Caja Madrid
Altozano Manuel Madrid 19 DIC 2012 - 18:24 CET
With a smile of circumstances, hiding behind his lawyer to try to avoid (unnecessarily) to the photographers and television, the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Bancaja and Banco de Valencia, and former vice president of Bankia, José Luis Olivas, left the audience National amid insults and boos of twenty affected by the preference shares with placards awaiting him at the door. He did about six in the evening, after declaring for about an hour before Judge Fernando Andreu. Olivas, who resigned from his post in Bankia on November 21, 2011 following the intervention of Banco de Valencia, the judge gave his version of the merger of Bancaja, one of the organizations that formed Bankia, in Finance and Savings Bank ( BFA), the parent of the entity whose hole is investigated. He said who ordered him to enter BFA was the former governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez.
During his interrogation, according to the indictment, Olivas told how on May 24, the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain convened a meeting which was attended by the director general of supervision. It was at that meeting in which the regulator, as Andreu told the judge rebuked him for integration into BFA, Bankia matrix. The former vice president of the company, which was only President of Bancaja, refused argued that the results of its case in 2009 had been "very good", so no need to merge with other entities.
A few days later, on 1 or 2 June, the Bank of Spain's warning was even more explicit. In another meeting, at which, this time, he attended the former governor, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, was "urged" Bancaja directly to the merger. Ordonez said this was necessary because "we had to calm the markets," said Olivas, who accepted it, said, "the governor of the Bank of Spain has much power." Judge Andreu When asked what he meant by "too much power" Olivas said he threatened to intervene directly with Bancaja. Andreu asked again why such intervention would be necessary, if the situation of the case, as I said earlier, it was good. He replied that the governor and lieutenant told him that "the Bank of Spain had an inspection in progress."
Contact Rato
The former vice president of Bankia gave further details of that appointment. He said that at that very moment Ordonez contacted Rodrigo Rato, the president of the institution, to come closer. Ordonez, according Olivas, insisted on integration to the point that, according to his testimony, said both: "If necessary we leave an office here so that you begin to speak."
After Olivas was the turn of Francisco Verdú, the former CEO of Bankia, who took office after the founding of the organization. Verdú was the only counselor Rato dome that survived the resignation of the entire Board of Directors following the discovery of the entity's accounting mismatch, which last March presented some accounts with profits of 300 million only two months later became 3,000 million in losses. The former CEO resigned only after learning he was charged in the process followed in the High Court.
Verdú recognized that, from birth, Bankia had "liquidity problems" and "needed to strengthen its capital." Were these problems, according to the former CEO, which prompted him to enter the office, he understood as "a challenge". After detailed what those problems. The first, which only in 2012, the agency had to deal with various maturities of 3,000 million euros and the total amount owed by Bankia amounted to 18,000 million. The executive also said that there was a very important problem of arrears, with more than 95,000 retail loans or bad debts had stopped paying directly. All with the wholesale market closed up tight.
Regarding accounting mismatch and the reformulation of the accounts, Verdú, like other managers, justified by the deteriorating economic situation and excessive dependence on real estate, in the fall of prices and a serious delinquency. Andreu asked him whether these factors could not be assessed only two months earlier, when presented Bankia benefits. The exdirectivo responded that these results were formulated regarding data prior to December 31, 2011 and that the problems appeared in January. Later, however, to justify its reformulation, said that the accounts are not closed until submission. That is, until May, when he Bankia losses.
During the time he worked in Bankia, Francisco Verdú received a compensation of 1.7 million euros. To that amount added a pension plan another 500,000 euros, according to the judge told the same.
Santin MORAL: Economic aid promised "immediate"
On Monday told the judge Andreu IU representative on the Board of Directors of Bankia, Juan Antonio Moral Santin. He described how the new chairman of Bankia, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, pressed to reformulate the accounts and pass the losses the previous year. He told the judge that they exejecutivo BBVA said on May 25 that the Economy, the FROB and the Bank of Spain pledged to "sign" to perform "immediate recapitalization of the bank." He insisted that despite statements Goirigolzarri 19,000 million aid took seven months to arrive.
ARTURO FERNANDEZ: "If Deloitte said it was okay, I would not read it"
Arturo Fernandez Alvarez, vice president of the CEOE, had no problem recognizing him to approve the accounts for the Bankia Council was a mere formality. He said in court that the directors gave the green light to balance group reformulated throwing off losses to "above that of the fastest way possible." As for March accounts, which indicated that there was still benefit, said "if Deloitte said well, I will not read them." The Boards of Directors acknowledged the issue of new accounts was addressed "very brief".
ACEBES ANGEL: "I went totally quiet Bankia"
The former Minister Angel Acebes, president of the Audit Committee of BFA, Bankia matrix, was only in the state between July 2011 and April 2012. He did not participate in the councils that decided the IPO and the restatement of accounts. That was his argument primarily to avoid the controversy of Bankia splashed him. He assured the judge that was "totally calm" of the entity, because the auditor Deloitte never raised objections or reservations to the accounts of 2011 and never had discussions with representatives of the Bank of Spain.
Alberto Ibanez: He criticizes the "passivity" of Deloitte
Former President of the Audit Committee of Bankia, Alberto Ibáñez, explained to the judge how the council approved the first financial institution without audit report by the complexity of the merger of seven savings banks that constituted BFA-Bankia. He criticized the "passivity" of the audit by delaying the process. In his statement to the judge for his complaint in the case said that auditors Bankia just had some objections before approving the accounts in March. Ibanez said the Council met the audit report 24 hours before having to restate the accounts at the end of May.
Fernandez Norniella: The 'right hand' of the audit blames Rato
Jose Manuel Fernandez Norniella was the confidant of Rodrigo Rato, former chairman of Bankia. Fernandez declared Norniella accused before the judge in the case last week Bankia. He told the judge how the auditor Deloitte commissioned a plan to remove uncertainties. He noted that the Bank of Spain was approved in mid-April this year. He justified that could never run because he demanded an alternative. Auditor blamed the passivity and alluded to the injury of the IMF report he referred to as "vulnerable" and "critical" for the stability bank of Spain.
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