



El soldado Manning, sobre su detención: “Pensé que iba a morir”

El acusado de filtrar los documentos de Wikileaks testifica por primera vez

David Alandete Washington 29 NOV 2012 - 22:24 CET

The soldier Manning, on his arrest: "I thought I was going to die"

The accused of leaking the WikiLeaks documents testifies for first time

David Alandete Washington 29 NOV 2012 - 22:24 CET

"I thought I was going to die in prison." The soldier Bradley Manning, accused of stealing 700,000 secret documents from the Pentagon's classified networks, took the stand on Thursday for the first time since he was arrested 918 days ago, to denounce his own voice a deal that his defense has described as humiliating and inhuman, when he was in pretrial detention at the military base in Quantico, Virginia. "I did not want to die, but wanted to get out of that cage. I just remember being stuck in that cage all the time, "he added.
Manning spoke for the first time, not to explain the reasons for abducting the secret cables of U.S. military networks-something that has been accused, but hard to tell the general isolation, and especially the three days he spent in solitary suicide prevention, in which his captors placed, according to the defense, more like a safety or retaliation that decent medical treatment. Manning and his defense believe that he was punished and was treated as guilty, while still expected to bring charges against him and held a military trial.

I remember thinking I was going to die, she was locked in the cage and did not know what was going to happen "
Bradley Manning
Were 265 long days that Manning spent isolated in Quantico base. When he was arrested in Iraq, thought he secretly lead a secret prison in Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa, or the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, along with detainees in the war on terrorism. He knew relief when returning to the U.S.. But soon, that relief turned to despair. "I remember thinking I was going to die, she was locked in the cage and did not know what was going to happen," Manning said. On 20 April 2011 he was transferred to another base in Kansas.
The psychiatrist who treated Manning then, Navy Capt. William Hocter, said there was no reason to put in a tough soldier suicide prevention regime in January 2011. Although Hocter notified to do so by their superiors, they ignored their recommendations. For three days in January 2011, Manning had to sleep stripped of his clothes and without his glasses, and spent 24 hours a day locked in a small cell of about five square meters.

Do not want to die, but wanted to get out of that cage. I just remember being stuck in that cage all the time "
Bradley Manning
"With patience, we saw over the months that showed no suicidal behavior," said Hocter. This psychiatrist has worked on numerous detention centers, and said that what happened with Manning, that managers of a detention ignore its recommendations even saw itself in Guantanamo Bay.
Previously, the military judge Denise Lind had said he reserves the right to accept the terms under which the soldier would plead guilty to seven charges for stealing and leaking information. He expects a final decision in December. Those seven charges would amount to a total prison sentence of 16 years. The prosecution has asked the Pentagon imprisonment for various crimes, including high treason or aiding the enemy. Although Manning is found guilty of the charges he has admitted through his lawyer, prosecutors could still seek judge for others.
Specifically, Manning would plead guilty to having leaked on the Internet a video of combat classified memos and records over 40 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, admit guilt in illegal storage of secret Army. Reject charges of assisting the enemy, theft of a global list of Internet addresses of the Pentagon and other computer crimes.
The indictment also said that some of the material found in the residence of Abottabad, Pakistan, in which Osama Bin Laden annihilated in 2011, has been declassified, and to be used as evidence in the court martial, which formally opens on February 4. One of the strategies of the prosecution to prove that the Pentagon is abducted by several cables Manning ended up in the hands of the leaders of Al Qaeda and used to plan and carry out attacks against troops intended both Iraq and Afghanistan.



デビッドAlandeteワシントン29 NOV 2012 - 午前22時24分CET
"私は刑務所で死ぬかと思った。"国防総省の機密ネットワーク〜700,000秘密文書を盗んだということで責め兵士ブラッドリーマニングは、彼自身の声彼の防衛は屈辱のように記述したことを取引を糾弾する、彼が918日前に逮捕された以来、初めて木曜日にスタンドを取り、彼はクアンティコ、バージニア州の軍事基地で未決拘禁にあったときに、非人道的な。 "私は死にたいが、そのケージの外に出て欲しかったしませんでした。私はちょうどそのケージ内のすべての時間を突っ込んでたのを覚えて、 "と彼は付け加えた。

マニングはクアンティコ基地に隔離過ごした長い265日であった。彼はイラクで逮捕されたとき、彼は密かにアフリカの角で、ジブチの秘密刑務所を導くと思ったか、対テロ戦争の被拘禁者と一緒にグアンタナモ湾、キューバ、少なくとも海軍基地。米国に戻ったとき、彼は、救済を知っていた。しかし、すぐに、その救済は絶望に変わった。 "私は死ぬつもりだった思考を覚え、彼女はケージの中にロックされていたと起きようとしていたかわからなかった"とマニングは言った。 2011年4月20日に彼はカンザス州内の別の基地に移された。
その後マニングを治療精神科医、海軍大尉ウィリアムHocterは、2011年1月には厳しい兵士の自殺予防体制に置くための理由がなかったと言いました。 Hocterは上司によってそうするように通知しているが、彼らは彼らの勧告を無視していました。 2011年1月3日については、マニングは彼の服を剥奪され、彼のメガネなしでスリープ状態にあったが、24時間約5平方メートルの小さなセルでロックの日を過ごした。

死にたいが、そのケージの外に出たかったのはありません。 "そのケージで立ち往生されているすべての時間はちょうど私を覚えている
"忍耐があれば、我々は自殺行動を示さなかったヶ月以上見て、" Hocterは言った。この精神科医もグアンタナモ湾で自分自身を見た勾留の管理者がその勧告を無視することは、多数の拘置所で働いていたのか、またどのマニングで起こったと述べている。

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